Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [prep] example " in BNC.

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1 We suppose that 's a rule in our minds and that explains our judgments about for example and proform substitution and so on that 's so we define the notion of a constituent plus label it with brackets , and then we make certain predictions about operations that can or ca n't be performed on .
2 That it 's all very well to say to Consultants last year or some it , it wo n't even be very little value to the economy of Hertfordshire but the position changes with the closure of for example erm
3 Do you have a prejudice against for example eating oily food ?
4 For example well I don' know which Swatch really but on Omega up for example there are Omega watches in Belgium which you ca n't buy in Switzerland
5 Erm it 's for it 's it 's in order that , that in the nineties we have a historical record , I think I 'm I think I 'm saying this right , there is a historical record of the kind of words that are being introduced into the into our language into our vocabulary like for example i.e.
6 The research will be conducted on the basis of data collated on national laws and practice , interviews and field visits to for example the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , the International Oceanographic Commission and United Nations in New York , and the maritime centres of universities overseas .
7 When cooking , many people check the contents of for example bottles and packages by smelling or tasting them .
8 In a sense large firms are supposed to act as financial intermediaries for their related suppliers through for example the provision of trade credit or through the re-sale of capital equipment .
9 Some of the ways you 've , you 've laid out things like for example , putting in brackets , in , that it includes not sharing equipment if you inject , the , that is , that er could be seen as condoning people taking drugs .
10 The the problem we had is because if in December , when we put the Christmas lights up for example , to use that as prime example , we put one erm harness I think it 's called on the tree , it was absolutely pathetic .
11 You only have to look back over what 's er happened over the last few years in terms of for example O S Two , Microsoft Windows , a variety of Unix , and you 'll see that technologies will come along and however sound a decision you make at one point in time the market circumstances and potentially mean that what was right for you then not the right .
12 In 9a ) , for consideration of the representative volume element , Hill calculates the volume average of for example the stress as the integral taken over the volume , divided by that volume .
13 Erm er anyway , never mind , um so um also erm particularly from a feminist perspective this idea of of so-called faulty family dynamics has been called into question by people like for example Hall and Lloyd who were saying that um , something along the lines of if you if you blame the family as a whole then this draws attention away from the fact that it 's not the families who do the abusing , it 's often , from their point of view , it was often the men that do .
14 You lose the parcel but it 's end up for example in the , they used a contractor at the other end because we lost the parcel but they 're not responsible for that .
15 In phase ( II ) of the study , the sampled firms will be surveyed by means of a postal questionnaire to provide additional information including for example , on the ownership of the firm , technical linkages and collaboration with other firms , major sources of finance and advice and their perceived adequacy in meeting specific needs/demand for financial services .
16 But nevertheless , how far can you go along towards giving certainty to for example the building industry on the amount of new housing which would come from green field sites for Sorry from the non- conversion element .
17 Rhines sees the current semiconductor industry as being in turmoil , as the impetus in the industry moves from the vertically-integrated companies to functionally-defined companies — Japan being an exception to the rule however ; and the purchasing power of vendors such as Compaq Computer Corp , Dell Computer Corp and Apple Computer Inc for example , causing major growth in the merchant market .
18 This means giving support to on-going campaigns like for example , the Tottenham Three Campaign , we believe those three brothers have been framed for murder .
19 The IR spectrum of a solution of for example , has CO stretching bands at 2060 , 2030 and 2010 cm -1 only ; shows bands at 2043 , 2020 , 1997 and 1840 cm -1 under the same conditions [ 19 ] .
20 The Mark 2 coaches inaugurated in 1966 had generally set a new standard of comfort with for example better heating and ventilation but there were no Mark 2 catering or sleeping cars .
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