Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before modern institutions for extending credit were available , insignia and jewels were well adapted to serve as sureties for loans .
2 The Minister will know that , contrary to the Government 's views about linking business with the environment — we all agree that coal can successfully be converted to coke — for some reason the Coalite works in Bolsover seems to be polluting the whole environment .
3 I was going to ask the Chancellor whether his views about defeating inflation apply to house price inflation .
4 Mr Lamont went on to slam the German Bundesbank for forcing devaluation .
5 They have experienced considerable movement and disruption in care , and have inadequate knowledge of their past , too little suitable preparation for leaving care , and little or no reliable help and support once they have left .
6 In these cases the committee has to be satisfied that there has been a bona fide change of intention , or that there are other exceptional circumstances , and if satisfied can permit the applicant to complete additional training as a preparation for entering pupillage .
7 Autumn term : preparation for teaching practice .
8 ‘ Well , 14/ 20th Hussars came back off exercise with a lot of dead equipment and 2nd Field Regiment has just finished a major inspection in preparation for firing camp starting in three weeks .
9 The penalty is believed to be the most severe yet meted out to a scientist for falsifying research findings .
10 USL has also provided a customisable systems administration guide and release notes for creating end-user documentation and installation script .
11 One issue clarified by the bill is that ‘ NHS contracts ’ , the contracts between purchasing health authorities or GPs and service-providing hospitals , will not be legally binding and will confer no contractual rights or liabilities .
12 With this in mind , FoE cites the Department of the Environment 's refusal to publish its report on technologies for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions from power stations , which was completed a year ago , but has never been made public .
13 Darlington Tory candidate Michael Fallon said Labour could spend a quarter of the £1m in borough council coffers on housing , but also had outstanding debts for constructing council properties .
14 They provided the high command in wartime , bringing their own retinue to serve in the royal army , and the senior personnel for enforcing order in the countryside .
15 These include plungers , wormscrews ( for boring into a blockage and pulling it out ) , and scrapers for removing sludge and silt and either pushing it down the drain or pulling it back into the inspection chamber on which you are working .
16 In fact the steam is a convenient way of heating the wood without drying it out and the mechanism is exactly the same as that used by hairdressers for curling hair .
17 This newspaper also criticized Dzerzhinsky for neglecting water transport and port facilities , though no doubt his great energies were stretched in Siberia where he stayed until March .
18 DISCIPLINARY action is to be taken against 11 rail workers after the official report into the Clapham Junction train crash criticised British Rail for allowing working practices to slip to ‘ unacceptable and dangerous ’ levels .
19 The provision sometimes inserted in a settlement for giving remuneration to a professional man who is one of the trustees is open to considerable objection since it may give him an interest in incurring expense , and will , in any case , tend to make the other trustees leave the management mainly in his hands .
20 About half the remainder had firm reasons for preferring cash to credit at least in this instance — because it was cheaper , or because it would avoid a chain of later bills , for example .
21 Attention is focused on the bar workers ' previous employment experience , their reasons for choosing bar work , what they identify as positive and negative features of their work and how the job relates , where relevant , to their family commitments and leisure interests .
22 But I have two reasons for choosing Fanny .
23 So far as the early history of the emancipation process is concerned Field 's position is probably stronger than Zakharova 's , for although Nicholas I 's call for a militia gave rise to disturbances among the peasantry in 1855 , although almost all the memoranda which circulated in private during the Crimean War referred to the possibility of peasant risings , and although Alexander II alluded to the prospect of rural uprisings both in his speech to the Moscow gentry and in his comments on the papers submitted to him by Haxthausen , it is hard to prove that rural developments took pride of place among the reasons for setting reform in train .
24 The reasons for maintaining inventory levels are chiefly as follows :
25 Finally , the Act requires that bail decisions are recorded , and that reasons for refusing bail are given to the defendant .
26 If you are considering applying for deferred entry , you should discuss this possibility with your head teacher and should also write to the Faculty of Science and Engineering Office , stating the course for which you intend to apply and your reasons for seeking deferment .
27 I do n't like gritstone : never did — it does n't fit any of my reasons for enjoying climbing , which is why I ca n't see any reason for not bolting it .
28 Both reasons for fragmenting work imply the creation of a managerial hierarchy to co-ordinate and control the various fragmented jobs .
29 But the Phnom Penh government also has its reasons for favouring instability .
30 Within indirect taxation there were sound reasons for favouring excise over customs duties .
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