Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are several different kinds of answer to this question , to some extent bound up with one 's understanding of the reasons for and interpretation of ‘ the facts ’ .
2 particulars of , reasons for and effect of departures from law where such departures have been made to give a true and fair view
3 Virginia Ross ( Mrs Ross Hirsh ) came as a graduate to Somerville and feels that now provision for and care of graduates is much more comprehensive and well thought-out than in 1966 .
4 Both these divisions , however , appear to have been exceptions to the normal pattern , since they raised issues concerning the Union with Scotland , complex legal technicalities , as well as personal questions of sympathy for or antipathy towards the individuals concerned , all of which placed strains on the normal political sympathies of the different peers .
5 Billy Arjan Singh 's sympathy for and understanding of big cats is possibly unique .
6 The expedition organisers are still hoping he 'll make it to camp for and radio in at first light tomorrow .
7 The political and ideological factors that had led to popular support for and involvement in the inter-imperialist war of 1914–18 and the anti-fascist war of 1939–45 could no longer be used to justify the use of means of warfare which , it became clear , not only involved disproportionate suffering but endangered the future of humanity .
8 There was both support for and opposition to the specific proposal on which we sought views .
9 They have the same four basic options we described for general ownership policy : state ownership ; specific support for or discrimination against locals or foreigners ; or neutrality .
10 The Act describes public processions intended ‘ to demonstrate support for or opposition to the views or actions of any person or body of persons ’ or ‘ to publicise a cause or campaign ’ or ‘ to mark or commemorate an event ’ as requiring notice to the police .
11 Section 11(1) of the Act requires advance written notice to be given to the police of any public procession ‘ intended ’ to demonstrate support for or opposition to the views or actions of a person or body , which is being held to publicise a cause or to mark or commemorate an event ‘ unless it is not reasonably practicable to give any advance notice of the procession . ’
12 Henry III 's admiration for and emulation of Louis IX is well known .
13 It 's clearly a matter of balance between the various elements erm in considering erm proposals for or development in the countryside .
14 the necessity for and quality of child minding ( Moss 1987 )
15 It has helped industry see the quality of provision and feel a genuine responsibility for and involvement in making high quality educational experiences available to our students ; in promoting excellence .
16 Basis and responsibility for and timing of calculation of net assets and profits .
17 Mat. as if life was full of jolly little surprises .
18 Specifically , there was the idea of intervention ; historic doubts about and antipathy towards European colonialism ; corresponding commitment to self-determination and , above all , an impressive self-confidence founded on US power , a resurgence of Wilsonian ideals , and a belief that the principles of the Atlantic Charter and those of the UN should at least inform if they did not determine the foreign policies of the US .
19 Although the Hervert Laming letter of 13 December 1992 created its own furore about what should be written down , senior managers had already been debating for six months about whether care managers should bluff users and relatives about the money available for them .
20 To sum up ; your professional consultant offers you a wide range of services which includes the provision of temporary staff and the search for and provision of permanent personnel , tailored to your specific requirements .
21 Insofar as Kuhn recognizes the role played by a paradigm in guiding the search for and interpretation of observable phenomena , he accommodates most of what I have described as the theory-dependence of observation in Chapter 3 .
22 Clynes 's uncertainty about whether Labour was laying down War Aims or Peace Terms was significant .
23 He is not content , however , to leave it at that : to recognise that the perception of and attention to objectivity varies culturally while claims to objectivity itself are often more biased than is realised .
24 It is only fair to our advertisers to put on record that , pretty well without exception , they have a lively appreciation of and respect for the constraints under which an Institute journal necessarily operates .
25 for loss of or damage to property belonging to or held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Insured Person ( other that self catering accommodation where only the first £50 of any loss or damage is excluded ) ;
26 ( d ) There are ‘ reasonable grounds for believing ’ the arrest to be necessary to prevent physical injury to somebody , the loss of or damage to property , an offence against public decency , or an unlawful obstruction of the highway .
27 The Carrier shall not in any circumstances be liable for loss of or damage to goods after transit of such goods is deemed to have ended within the meaning of Condition 6(2) hereof , whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act , omission , neglect , default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier .
28 all consequences suffered by the Carrier ( including but not limited to claims , demands , proceedings , fines , penalties , damages , costs , expenses , and loss of or damage to the carrying vehicle and to other goods carried ) of any error , omission , mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Trader or other owner of the goods or by any servant or agent of either of them , insufficient or improper packing , labelling or addressing of the goods or fraud as in Condition 10 :
29 all losses suffered by and claims made against the Carrier in consequence of loss of or damage to property caused by or arising out of the carriage by the Carrier of Dangerous Goods whether or not declared by the Trader as such :
30 The solicitors for P & O , the owners of the Townsend Thoresen ferry Herald of Free Enterprise , naturally face claims for loss of or damage to vehicles .
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