Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] down a " in BNC.

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1 John Stuart Mill 's definition of the limits of law to curtail individual freedom laid down a simple principle : ‘ that the sole end for which mankind are warranted , individually or collectively , in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number , is self-protection .
2 Or a man with her husband 's build parading down a Paris runway in Calvin Klein 's latest skivvies .
3 Severe wind turbulence caused my canopy to go down a lot faster than normal .
4 Harrogate scored all their points in the first half with a try by their Yorkshire scrum half , Guy Easterby , from a blind side scrum move , Steve Baker touching down a try following a tap penalty move .
5 Her heart tumbled down a stairway .
6 It helps to ask the client 's permission to jot down a few facts .
7 Ralph Meeker snapped an old man 's priceless Caruso record in half in Kiss Me Deadly , Richard Conte tortured Cornel Wilde by turning up a hearing aid and shouting into it in The Big Combo , Ingrid Bergman drank the poisoned Brazilian coffee in Notorious , Charles Laughton plunged down a lift shaft in The Big Clock , Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth shot it out in a hall of mirrors in Lady from Shanghai , Edmond O'Brien lurched into a police station to report his own murder in D.O.A. , Tony Curtis was brutally beaten by a corrupt cop in Sweet Smell of Success , Laurence Harvey jumped in the lake in The Manchurian Candidate .
8 In the same way , the laws of thermodynamics laid down a framework within which engines and refrigerators operate .
9 THE LATE Jock Stein laid down a strategy for the World Cup when he said that a team could wear working clothes to qualify , but needed to find evening dress for the event itself .
10 This sort of feeble whining goes down a treat with women like Alison .
11 Big confrontation in Parliament today when the opposition threw down a challenge … they want a head to head on march 27 … no we 're not talking politics … we 're talking sport and the boat race
12 Both were involved in the opening goal , Johnrose heading down a corner from the right by Paul Cross and Saville striking a shot Kevan Smith sliced , as he attempted to clear , into the Darlington net .
13 A MAJOR talking point after the Second Division promotion clash was why Sheffield referee John Key turned down a goal that would have shattered Middlesbrough 's unbeaten home League record .
14 Dave Walker touched down a pack push-over and winger Paul Holdstock scored a try to put Newcastle 14–0 ahead at half time .
15 Dave Walker touched down a pack push-over and winger Paul Holdstock scored a try to put Newcastle 14–0 ahead at half time .
16 WREXHAM Maelor Borough Council last night again refused to say Yes or No to a bid to knock down a former hospital despite being warned it could face legal action .
17 On the West Coast , meanwhile , WS & F tracked down a gym where a group of women do a French conversation lesson while riding ( quietly operating ) stationary bicycles .
18 Here and there the open doors of furnaces glowed a dangerous red , and in the far corner of the building what looked like a stream of molten lava trickled down a curved channel from roof to floor .
19 Harvey stood there grinning and flushed and the waiter stepped forward with another great silver tray with just two drinks on it , and some wag took down a piece of greenery and formed it into a crown and the soldiers drew their swords and provided an arch under which Harvey walked .
20 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
21 Today it was closed but the delightfully cold ice-cream from the small shop at the entrance went down a treat .
22 With luck ‘ Mummy ’ might disbelieve the dire tale , especially if the bruise went down a little before she saw it .
23 Since electrical pulses zinging down a wire are more regular and predictable than a steel cable moving inside a plastic cover , the result should be more precise control of engine revs and better fuel consumption .
24 It can be a gentle paddle on sluggish water or a 25 yd shoot down a narrow rocky gut under the trees .
25 If the Spey is down , however , there is a final 25 yd shoot down a narrow rocky little gut under the same trees .
26 SHOPPERS cashed in when a power cut shut down a supermarket 's electronic tills .
27 At the side put down a rough guess of the cost that might be involved .
28 A KILLER gunned down a young father at his seaside home for no apparent reason .
29 It is the same as swinging an axe to chop down a tree .
30 It brought to his notice the heap of auburn hair and , taking his time , he let his eyes stroll down a pinched but puckish face , breasts which looked firm though on the small side and the rest , as he would guess , in regular working order .
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