Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 Trent sprinted up the dock and spotted the President 's granddaughter .
2 Although scarcely under challenge from other national groups , Russians made up a steadily diminishing proportion of the total population over the postwar period and the Russian Republic included many of the Soviet Union 's poorest farmland and most dismal cities , creating at least the impression that it was subsidising developments in more prosperous non-Russian areas .
3 If you have any views pick up the phone and call me now .
4 It means that there are holes in the DLV's willingness to connect up the evidence and enforce the conclusions it generates .
5 Just as in his rotation of Party officials to areas with which they had no connection and where they would have difficulty building up a power-base , so now Ceauşescu was transferring people into new places of work , forcing them to move from their old homes .
6 On arrival , Stirling divided up the area between the two squadrons .
7 The Norman Towers — Entering through these it is easy to imagine the Knights of the Middle Ages setting off for battle , banners flying and a host of bowmen and falconers bringing up the rear .
8 I am careful not to leave even the smallest scrap of yarn lying around as mother birds pick up the pieces and use them for lining their nests .
9 Some of Tuscany 's best wines , now made entirely from Sangiovese , would never have reached the drawing board had not an imported French variety got up a lot of Italian noses .
10 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
11 Lionello Venturi considered lives of artists made up a basic category of art criticism , buttressing his opinion with accounts of writings by Vasari and others .
12 When I do that , it 's like summat inside of me is pulled out and streaks back up the street , under all the lights , right round the corner to where I ca n't see .
13 If the retailer builds up a good relationship with his customers they will keep coming back — and maybe tell their friends .
14 This high level is a primary risk in heart disease , since excess cholesterol builds up a sticky silt-like deposit in the arteries , impeding the passage of blood and increasing the pressure on the heart .
15 So even if Lisa made up the deliveries , there was no reason why she should make the connection .
16 Sir [ James ] Stephen added : ‘ The effect of adopting this definition would be to include under one description all the cognate offences which at present make up the crime of theft .
17 While crackling flames eat up the beams
18 Meanwhile the main path route goes up the valley until sea reappears ( where these two routes merge ) .
19 The ensemble should , of course , not be too sexy , but polite , though not conciliatory — nothing that could suggest an inclination to join his mother in the kitchen to whip up a batch of fairy cakes .
20 It took some time to reassemble their people , so much so that presently Douglas , growing impatient , left some of his lesser commanders to round up the stragglers , attend to the wounded and collect the booty from the camp .
21 Photographs , coloured yarn and a short text made up the rest of the display .
22 In this way , these researchers built up a picture of life styles in Chicago at that time , especially those of certain deviant groups such as hoboes and gang-members .
23 They pause , watching her long walk across the grass , a supplicant walking up the cathedral nave , she has a sense of awe , her hands are cold and damp in spite of the heat .
24 Oh mum rings up every now and again , father is driving me batty
25 Like many animals , birds build up a mental map of their home area from sight , sound and other cues .
26 Roux and Co cook up a treat at Food Show .
27 In other words , the lights were off in the living-room except for the strobes around the disco where a lonely DJ was pumping out Frankie Goes to Hollywood , and all the guests at the party were in the kitchen cluttering up the fake oak worksurfaces and obscuring the Neff oven .
28 At the end of last year , and with the help of its publishers ' advisory committee , the Council 's Libraries , Books and Information Division drew up a book promotion policy .
29 What Teller hopes the West will do will be to develop its inter-dependence , eradicate secrecy between its constituent parts so the defence and the knowledge thereto is shared , and behind its nuclear shield build up a society that will prove the point about the superiority of its system .
30 Science is a collective enterprise ; over time , researchers build up a body of wisdom which tells them which are the important variables to include when modelling a particular process , and which must be controlled .
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