Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that these " in BNC.

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1 But Taylor insists that these games will have little bearing on the mood for the Poland match at Wembley on September 8 .
2 It is the Chief Constable 's responsibility to see that these complaints are properly investigated and result in disciplinary action where appropriate .
3 The revenue authorities maintained that these persons were ‘ male servants ’ in respect of whom licence duties were payable under the Revenue Act 1869 ( 32 & 33 Vict. c. 14 ) .
4 The researchers found that these ‘ trimmer ’ structures remained intact when the area was imaged again two days later .
5 The isolation of a cDNA clone from testis of S. macroura and the long open reading frame in the M. eugenii genome suggest that these marsupial genes are not pseudogenes .
6 Yet it was only by contrast with Fei Yen that these things were noticeable : as if in Fei Yen lay the very archetype of Han beauty , and all else , however fine in itself , was but a flawed copy of that perfection .
7 The research into investigation of possible child abuse cases demonstrated that these ideas did tend to influence the kinds of questions that were asked , and the way in which ‘ evidence ’ was interpreted .
8 His 1911 book Political Parties argued that these organizations supposedly committed to ushering in democratic organization in fact showed all the essential characteristics of bureaucratic organizations , and a separation between leaders and led every bit as pronounced as that prevailing in industry or state agencies .
9 The latter authors argued that these early studies were marred by methodological deficiencies .
10 Similar experiments on rabbit oesophagus , which is devoid of submucosal glands , failed to show alkali secretion suggesting that these glands are the source of oesophageal alkalinisation .
11 The Speeches suggest that these phrases refer to Hansard reports but , particularly in respect of contextual material , this may not be so .
12 It used to be thought that this was temporary diabetes resulting from the stress of infarction , but present data suggest that these patients have undiagnosed diabetes before infarction ( Husband et al , 1983 ; Oswald et al , 1984 ) .
13 Further to the letters in Readers Forum ( April and August 1992 editions ) regarding pencil holders I am writing to let other readers know that these are available from Lyra ( UK ) Ltd. at the cost of £1.80 each plus VAT .
14 The authors suggest that these changes may reflect the publicity surrounding the Ford Pinto car scandal , and the various price-fixing conspiracy trials including the Folding-Carton industry trial in 1976 .
15 Sutcliffe 's data show that these speakers have a very clear idea of what , for them , constitutes a basilectal utterance .
16 Hoskyns believed that these new methods could prove that the alleged contrast between Jesus and Paul was wrong ; and that there was an identity between the Jesus who lived in Palestine and the Christ who was the object of the faith of the apostolic Church .
17 The chapter showed that these theories are based on microeconomic foundations .
18 However , other research shows that these methods are not the best for actually securing a job , especially for women ( Callender , 1988 ) .
19 The Forensic Science Service laboratories are already open to the defence but lack credibility because they will always principally serve the prosecution and the Commission 's own research shows that these scientists are used to writing reports which are designed to assist the prosecution case .
20 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
21 There are self-evidently interests other than those of social concern in the spatial revitalisation of urban economic activity and there is no need to descend into a dogmatic public v. private sector debate on the efficiency of urban renewal to suggest that these interests stand to benefit when state intervention , so discredited in the early Thatcher years as creeping socialism , can be represented as a free market solution to urban crisis .
22 Theoretical research in the United States confirmed that these instabilities were a natural characteristic of the system .
23 The plan suggests that it would be a delusion to assume that these immigrants would shed their values for Shetland ones .
24 Moreover , our 1988 study shows that these results using NPV bear some similarity to empirical findings from PIMS studies ( see chapter 4 ) where profitability has been related to market share .
25 Because of the speed increases that these induce , together with lengthened journeys that they cause , these are now seen as being quite at variance with traffic calming principles.Thus former one-way carriageways were made two-way and all were narrowed , typically from over 6m to 4–5m .
26 The authors assume that these are a direct result of epidural analgesia and refer to work in which , again , randomisation was not done .
27 Liberal Club supporters protested that these moves would call into question the mandate of elected Civic Forum parliamentary deputies , and would thereby provoke a constitutional crisis .
28 Glendinning 's ( 1992a ) study indicated that these may fall into four main groups .
29 It should be recognized by those putting forward proposals for joint research projects that these will make demands on our information resources , and that the costs of such usage should form an element in each proposal .
30 But it is wishful thinking to believe that these complementary methods could instantly and completely replace the use of animals .
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