Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the high " in BNC.

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1 The sumptuous Sherborne Missal represents the high point of Siferwas 's art .
2 For the record , Vanuatu got the highest guffaw count .
3 Band attempts to hit the high notes
4 Moon and Sun in conjunction , with combined gravitational pull producing the highest tides .
5 In Newham the development officer 's heaviest referral months were May to September , and January and February ( the summer holiday and severest winter weeks ) ; in Ipswich the pattern was slightly different , with January and February being low referral months , but with October , December and March matching the high referral summer months .
6 So very early one morning when the wind was a moderate westerly and made northward progress easy , Creggan set off over the great industrial cities to find the high ground beyond them that he sensed would be there .
7 The scientific network of research centres such as Harvard University , California Institute of Technology , Cambridge University and York University provide the highest degree of input at the leading edge of technology in the field .
8 At the time of writing , I understand that the computer training course has the highest rate of job placement for discharged prisoners of any vocational training programme in Texas prisons .
9 Gilbert and Ward found the highest ownership levels in Valencia , where land is cheap and the highest levels of renting in Bogota , where land is expensive ( Gilbert and Ward 1985 ) .
10 They said the failure to give full reasons for the intended slaughter and the absence of any factual basis for the action justified the High Court in blocking the order .
11 On the other hand the British government declined to share information on its civil nuclear programme given the high ( though misplaced ) hopes which were then placed in its commercial potential .
12 Those with children at RC schools expected the highest moral standards .
13 Kryuchkov affirmed the high priority being given by the KGB to combating black-marketeering and organized crime , but not before he had alleged that certain forces were engaged in " economic sabotage " for political ends and were in league with the criminal underworld .
14 The GAO is concerned about the increased use of antibiotics to treat the higher incidence of mastitis in cows which have been fed with BST .
15 The oval face was white and pinched , a nasty swollen bruise marring the high , smooth forehead , the beautiful mouth was pale and the almond eyes looked dull and sunken .
16 This borough has the highest number
17 And it 's it 's on the economic front that regeneration has the highest priority in Leeds and not on the housing front , as I as I 've previously described .
18 In Chichester Harbour the highest count recorded until 1961 was of 1,550 birds in February 1959 , but it is doubtful if any counts covering the entire estuary were made before 1966 .
19 The journalists challenging the High Court ruling at yesterday 's hearing said they would pursue the case through to the European Court .
20 Estimates of abundance of harp seals were presented for two periods : Norwegian authors provided the highest upper limit for the late 1960s , and the lower limit of the estimates from the analysis by a UK scientist was less than the catch of the 1967 year class of pups .
21 They could hear the rustle of the wind tossing the highest branches and see the bright light of the sky opening out beyond .
22 Sergei Bubka provided the high point of the meeting , literally , earning £35,000 for improving his pole vault world record to 6.11 metres .
23 MARTIN Offiah has the highest profile in the game and must take the rough with the smooth .
24 Our rail network is the lowest funded , the lowest staffed and has the lowest investment programme in Europe with the poorest quality service and the fastest declining level of safety , but B R has the highest fares .
25 But if their frankly messy performance at the last Heavenly bash in December served only to illustrate the gulf that now exists between gamely played ‘ real ’ instruments and the lush sheen afforded the high tech brigade , then tonight their strengths were all their own .
26 Down to nine men , our lads deserve the highest praise for a 3–3 draw .
27 Whatever the precautions adopted it is sensible that the breeding animals receive the highest protection and staff not directly involved with breeding should not enter the breeding area .
28 Those with non A-level entry qualifications obtained by part-time study obtained the highest degree results on average .
29 The normal entry links the highest key at present on the prime data track with the address of the track .
30 The overflow entry links the highest key on the logical track , which comprises both the prime ( physical ) and overflow parts of it , and the address of the first record in the chain of overflow records for that track .
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