Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to one " in BNC.

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1 The information recorded on the birth certificate refers to one point in time — when the child 's birth was registered — whereas the information reported at interview refers to a period of employment of three months or longer , at any time from three years before the child 's birth up until diagnosis .
2 It is not known whether addictive disease is one disease that has different drugs or behaviours of choice according to each individual sufferer or group of sufferers or whether these groups correspond to one or another of a range of addictive diseases .
3 In the ruddily-lit belly of the drop-ship , Yeremi clung to one of the serpentine wall grips as the vessel vibrated .
4 Several of these bits may be set in an instruction , in which case all the specified functions are carried out ; the order in which functions are performed is fixed by having each function assigned to one of four timing points within the basic instruction cycle .
5 Is it not true — as my hon. Friend the Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) pointed out — that as much public money goes to one CTC , to which parents who have not gone through the normal process will have access , as to all the other schools in the area , and that it goes there at the same rate ?
6 It also placed greater emphasis on what it termed ‘ interdependence ’ rather than autonomy — the need for public sector institutions to relate to one another — perhaps through regional groupings — within the system .
7 However , evidence ( Humphrey , 1951 ) suggesting that left handers were more variable than right handers in their hand preference for different tasks led Humphrey and Zangwill ( 1952 ) to analyse the incidence of language disorders in a small group of left handers having damage confined to one or other side of the brain .
8 Carlotta de Leyva belongs to one of the liberal families opposed to the dictator Lopez and as the betrothed of the leader of that opposition , Don Manuel of Encinitas , she is to some extent a figurehead , a political symbol : moreover , to the youth of eighteen , Highworth Ridden , who is introduced to her soon after his arrival in Santa Barbara , she is an ideal because she is in effect the first woman who has ever touched his love , as someone to be served , not someone to aspire to .
9 Then , hoping he could remember enough of the ancient language of chivalry and selecting his words with extreme care , he said , ‘ Good Trees , we ask your assistance , ’ and saw the Elms nod to one another meaningfully , as if they had been expecting all along to be asked to do something for the Humans .
10 A MIDNIGHT row between two brothers led to one shooting the other without warning , a jury was told yesterday .
11 The order or weight given to one requirement over another will prejudice the solution .
12 ‘ Altogether , Mravinsky had many serious and wonderful qualities , and his example as a musician committed to one orchestra , one hall and one city was so important .
13 Henry H noted threateningly at the end of a letter of command addressed to one of his prévôts : ‘ If you do not do this , William of Vernone or his servants will do it ; and if they do not do it , my justice shall do it . ’
14 It looked simple , a low white building with a shady arcade around it , and a couple of cars parked to one side .
15 In other words the jurist is being asked to treat the words addressed to one daughter as indirectly establishing a trust in favour of the other .
16 All the cases discussed in this section have been ones in which words addressed to one person were held to make another person a trustee either for the first person or for a third party .
17 She began to landscape the fantasy garden in her mind and had soon forgotten about the slight ache in her hips that came from having her legs curled to one side , and the uncomfortable weave of the wickerwork pressing into the soft skin on the underside of her forearms .
18 The technique can be employed to investigate which interpretation of homographs is activated by presenting ambiguous primes followed by words related to one or other meaning .
19 No sooner had Edward attended to one lot than he was seized upon by another .
20 His triumphal entry into Jerusalem , for example , represents an attempt to conform to one of them .
21 This is the tensor form of Gauss 's ‘ Excellent ’ Theorem applied to one geodesic surface .
22 He sat at a large desk covered with papers , journals , medical books , a portable typewriter pushed to one end .
23 so that C times R came to one .
24 There are just over 100 members of the Library Booksellers Group , but half of these are local retail shops selling to one or two local libraries , whilst others are mainly retail shops with some public library accounts .
25 Helping governors and parents to see how well a school is doing and explaining or defending the school has now taken on another dimension : comparisons with other schools leads to one set of questions while the extent to which the school is organized in accordance with the national curriculum and within the national framework of pupil assessment leads to different , inward-looking enquiries .
26 Why do certain images matter to one , and why is the desire to answer this question as involuntary as the response itself ?
27 Before it became the populist anti-communist crusade of October 1947 or the parliamentary party of 1951 , the RPF was a brotherhood of ex-resisters and Free Frenchmen bound to one another and to de Gaulle by nostalgia .
28 In the circumstances , if I could detect from the statute any statutory purpose or intention pointing to one construction rather than the other , I would certainly adopt it .
29 Anyone attempting to use terminals belonging to the Lexicographer Group will be authenticated by the system as : a known lexicographer belonging to one or more established work groups .
30 Thoroughly alarmed he leapt out , and there behind the truck , rather squashed , was the remains of a private car belonging to one of the Station officers .
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