Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 THE WIFE of a man accused of committing three sex attacks in 12 hours agreed to give evidence as a Crown witness at his trial at a Perth High Court sitting yesterday .
2 The same writer recommended giving glasshouse room to a few hedgehogs , ideal for keeping down woodlice .
3 Scott contends that the growth of investment institutions has given rise to a distinct mode of control , namely ‘ control through a constellation of interests ’ .
4 Raw foodstuffs are the most likely source of food poisoning and foods which encourage bacterial growth are meats and poultry ( raw and cooked ) , foods with a meat base ( e.g. soups ) , eggs , milk and milk products ( e.g. cream ) A national scare about salmonella in eggs/hens during December 1988 cost the UK government millions of pounds in compensation to farmers , and the increasing incidence of food contamination has given rise to concern about gaps in the UK food hygiene laws .
5 Psychology is no more the name of an unique body of theory or inquiry and in physics Newton has given place to Einstein .
6 Efficiency of operations has to give way to inventiveness and creativity .
7 The actual methodology employed in the new proposals for the allocation of funding has given rise to some concern ( Mays , 1989 ) .
8 If the political reality has always been one of conflict and disunity , the construction of an imaginary Orient helped to give unity and coherence to the idea of the West .
9 Discover the wonderful Ionian Islands on one of our flotillas tailored to give confidence to the inexperienced and freedom to the expert .
10 Ms Duffield has given money to Dulwich 's education activities in the past ; the present gift is intended to enable the gallery to survive for a year while it coordinates its long-term fundraising activities .
11 The question whether financing government expenditure by borrowing rather than taxation imposes a greater burden on future generations has given rise to a great deal of confusion among laymen and , at a more esoteric , if not more useful , level , among economists .
12 The ‘ spiritual sense ’ view of faith has given rise to a form of spiritual elitism in which the believer welcomes a position in which he or she has no common ground with the unbeliever , and thereby turns the sort of dismissive ‘ religious language is nonsense ’ approach of Ayer into a welcome acceptance of the divide between men and women of reason on the one hand , and those with faith on the other .
13 The distribution of land has become less unequal , while the rapid growth in exports of fruit and forestry products has given rise to new patterns of regional income inequality .
14 In the 1990s , we approach a new world in which the old cold war of the two super-powers has given way to three emerging super-power economic blocs : North America , South-East Asia and Europe .
15 Religion has given structure to what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our lives and even those who claim that they do not believe in God , abide by these rules .
16 This is so because a limited accountability in terms only of satisfying employers in local authorities or inspectors of schools has given way to openness and to the multiplication of participators who claim a say in the running of education .
17 The increasing domestic and industrial use of a number of stable chlorine-containing compounds has given rise to claims that these compounds may diffuse upwards into the stratosphere where they are dissociated by solar radiation to yield atoms of chlorine which act to destroy ozone through a complex chain of chemical reactions ( Crutzen , 1974 ; Molina and Rowland , 1974 ) .
18 And it 's stuck it in the paper somewhere that er Branson has given money and er oh you know lots of other people in big business have given money .
19 A horse needs to give affection and to receive affection from its mother or offspring , and its close companions .
20 This link with the President has given rise to speculation that Mr Morrison may be acting as a pathfinder to the appointment of a special envoy .
21 A woman they called Supermum has given birth to her fourteenth child .
22 The period of authoritarian rule has given way during the last decade or so to a democratic system that is still consolidating itself .
23 This humiliation has given rise to an array of bitter jokes , reversing the official slogans from the Maoist past .
24 The research has given rise to a series of more or less operational online catalogues , three fairly lengthy reports and a number of articles and published and unpublished talks .
25 Germany 's newly regrouped aerospace industry wants to give birth to a new jet aircraft .
26 They were both breathing fast , and Polly 's legs threatened to give way at any second .
27 Her knees threatened to give way beneath her .
28 We even talk about armies marching on their stomachs , a typically perverse attempt to avoid giving credit to feet , upon which all armies march .
29 Suragai was hesitating , and Burun saw that he was trying to choose his words to avoid giving offence .
30 It lay at the point where the fertile coastal plain to which Shurton belonged gave way to the austerely beautiful Quantock Hills , and in the meeting of those two quite different landscapes the village acquired something of its distinctive character : Stowey was a place always busy with the concerns of a lowland domestic world , but the gateway as well to a solitary hill country where man 's dominance was suddenly challenged and nature prevailed .
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