Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] by [num] " in BNC.

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1 Two studies have shown that general practitioners can deal with a high proportion of night calls on the telephone , but Sheldon and Harris found that fewer than 3% of night calls received by two deputising services were dealt with by giving advice by telephone without a visit .
2 Each set consists of adjectives given by six different people who know the target person well .
3 Had my own heart broken by one inquisitive straight lady , way back in my desperate youth .
4 Day after day many of them sit at desks confined by four walls , their eyes glued to figures , their minds hassled by the problems of business .
5 At the end of the day 's session , the Congress of People 's Deputies voted by 530 votes to 236 to ‘ accept as a basis for discussion ’ a declaration that should free ministers ' hands to press ahead with free market policies .
6 ‘ As I got to the platform , there was the driver surrounded by three other BR staff watching him pluck the bird .
7 They come from all parts of the country , although it 's true that a function organised by one particular branch will tend to attract mainly members from that area .
8 The Pearl Investor Confidence Index rose by 1.2 p.c. last month — its largest rise since August last year — to stand at its highest level since December .
9 The consumer price index rose by 17 per cent in the first 11 months of 1989 compared with 16.7 per cent in the whole of 1988 .
10 Between 1967 and 1980 the Consumer Price Index rose by 67 per cent , whereas during the same period campaign expenditures for House elections rose by 163 per cent and by 150 per cent for elections to the Senate .
11 Between the surrender and December 1948 the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce retail price index rose by 4000 per cent and it is estimated that black market prices increased at double this rate .
12 The actual outcome was that in the twelve months ending in December 1986 the money supply rose by 109 per cent ( the highest on record ) and the cost-of-living index rose by 90 per cent .
13 Only 2.5 per cent of homes — 25 per cent of those ‘ passed ’ by a cable service — had cable installed by mid-1992 , compared with 11 per cent penetration for orthodox satellite TV .
14 The policies pursued by one local authority may , however , differ from those of others with Apparently identical ‘ needs ’ .
15 So , in this example , although money national income rose by 100 per cent , real output per capita rose by only 25 per cent .
16 Underwriting losses more than halved to £259 million and investment income rose by 20 per cent to £210 million .
17 It added that national income rose by 1.9 per cent in 1989 as against 4.4 per cent in 1988 [ see p. 37020 ] .
18 Between 1970–71 and 1980–81 , per capita income rose by 143 per cent , and the wholesale prices of all commodities rose by 150 per cent .
19 In the two years between 1972 and 1974 , the sales of Mills and Boon titles rose by 13 million .
20 But the Third World poor , on the receiving end of programmes designed by one faction or the other , do not have this option .
21 Stock market prices in West Germany rose by 3.5 per cent in the same period .
22 Between 1897 and 1912 , the wheat crop of the United Kingdom fell by 6 per cent while that of Germany rose by 38 per cent .
23 In 1981 broad money rose by 13.9 per cent and in 1982 by 14.3 per cent .
24 At the same time the non-TUC Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel voted by two to one against acceptance of a revised 9 per cent pay offer over 18 months .
25 In 1989 exports , an important gauge of economic activity in the principality 's highly industrialized economy , rose by 14.5 per cent as compared with the previous year ( when exports rose by 5.2 per cent ) .
26 In the third quarter of this year , our exports rose by 1 per cent .
27 Exports rose by 9 per cent in 1989 ( albeit at a lower rate than the 14 per cent recorded in the previous two years ) , to $110,000 million ( fob ) and imports by 8 per cent , thus leaving a commercial balance of $28,000 million .
28 Yesterday 's figures showed the value of imports falling by 2.5 per cent to £9.6billion in November while exports rose by 0.5 per cent to £8.1billion , giving the lowest visible trade deficit since September last year .
29 During that same period , food export prices fell by eleven percent alright , whereas manufactured export , prices of manufactured exports rose by twenty percent .
30 The value of exports rose by 29 per cent to Rs202,800 million , helped by the depreciation by about 12 per cent of the rupee and liberalization measures .
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