Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 The purchase of a call option on a futures contract gives the owner the right to acquire a long position in the futures contract at a set price ( the exercise or striking price ) during ( or at the end of ) a specified time period .
2 Status would allow operators to see at a glance which items of safety-related equipment were in proper working order .
3 Balcerowicz announced at a meeting of the Interim Committee of the IMF Bank on May 8 , 1990 , that Poland would seek a new agreement with its commercial and government creditors to cut Poland 's debt-servicing obligations by 80 per cent .
4 There is little doubt that their handwriting skills develop at a slower pace than their linguistic skills .
5 The corresponding 1991 figure showed 500 buy-outs completed at a cost of £2.6 billion .
6 The 1962 Planning Act upheld the right of any applicant to have their case heard at an oral hearing , but the 1976 Planning Act made this a discretionary matter for An Bord Pleanala to decide .
7 Just over a year ago , over a thousand biologists gathered at an international meeting in Vancouver .
8 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
9 Roughly speaking , the quality is determined by location in the vineyard , which can be divided into bands : the most northerly band , elevated at a height of between 180 and 220 metres , comprises some of the finest grand cru slopes in all Champagne and represents about a third of Bouzy 's hectarage ; below this is a wide strip situated at a height of between 160 and 180 metres which , in my estimation , should hold the rank of a top premier cru ; the lowest band , at about 170 metres , runs around the flat northern edge of the village and produces vines of a markedly inferior quality .
10 His hands lingered for a moment , his fingers hinting at a strength that made her throat tighten .
11 Perhaps the Private Eye story hinting at a takeover of Barts by a private concern is not as farfetched as Tony Delamothe suggests .
12 Henry Fielding , whose sister lived at a cottage now called Widcombe Lodge , knew the Bennets well .
13 He estimates that an executive sous-chef working in a top London restaurant or hotel would be earning between £25,000 and £27,000 , whereas a head chef in contract catering at a director 's dining room , for example , would be doing very well to earn £20,000 .
14 Before clearing the suburbs to the west Patrick stopped at a café so that they could have a quick breakfast of delicious brioches and excellent coffee .
15 Fire fighters from Stockton put out a fire in a potting shed at a house in Bishopton Road , Stockton .
16 After two hours of driving Carson and Alison stopped at a motorway services area , a cut-rate chunk of space-age that straddled the carriageway .
17 Jim stopped at a café on the road side .
18 Moreover , the main cloud base lies at an altitude of about 48 km , which by Earth standards is a very high cloud base .
19 On page 10 IAN LUCAS looks at a catfish set-up .
20 Fashion : Parisian poet clothed in wit : Charlotte Du Cann looks at an exhibition to mark the centenary of Jean Cocteau 's birth
21 It 's mildly encouraging now , though , when Tod looks at a woman in the street .
22 It makes your heart beat at an invigorating pace .
23 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
24 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
25 In a study undertaken over a two-week period , Tom Tadecki , research director of the International Coalition Against Violent Entertainment , found that more than 33 per cent of its programmes involved some form of aggression , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 10 per hour .
26 The figures for BBC 1 and BBC 2 were 10 per cent , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 2.5 per hour on BBC 1 , and two on BBC 2 .
27 The court heard one of the burglaries occurred at an old people 's home .
28 To produce 3 minutes inbound at a G/S of 112kts the required distance is 5.5nm. 6nm rounded off to a higher figure .
29 In 1990 it came of age , in 1991 it carried on where it left off with a superb Easter opening at a cold and windy Donington Park , England …
30 Parallel to the " official " summit , some 2,000 non-government organizations together with representatives of tribal peoples gathered at a " Global Forum " .
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