Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless he maintained a friendly attitude towards me and after my initial difficulty made himself available whenever he was needed .
2 Partner Ferdinand has had his back to the wall in the last few months , a troublesome disc plaguing his attempts to establish himself last spring and resulting in him coming home early from America .
3 American Express found themselves responsible for hundreds of barking duffel bags .
4 From this time Louis-Napoleon found himself alone with his mother , as a result of his elder brother 's going to live with their father , for ex-King Louis had established himself in Tuscany and had insisted that his wife entrust their elder son to his charge .
5 In the process , according to Belgrade press reports , Arkan made himself rich on looted gold , cars and electronics equipment .
6 This gave me six free months to enjoy myself first .
7 Lucy flung herself full length on the floor , curled up and wept .
8 Donna made herself comfortable and prepared to sleep , wondering , despite the fact that she was tired , whether or not the thoughts tumbling through her mind would be still long enough to allow her two or three precious hours ' rest .
9 Theresa Nolan , after having a medical termination on psychiatric grounds , had left a suicide note for her grandparents which they had confirmed was in her handwriting and which made her intention to kill herself plain beyond any doubt .
10 Bernice found herself unable to look away , inexorably drawn to the guilt and sadness she saw in Cheryl 's face , and which she blamed herself for .
11 Opren , the anti-arthritis drug , was banned after its large-scale use and Mexico found itself unable to meet its international debts because it had discovered enormous oil resources .
12 Shiona stopped herself short .
13 Lee jumped and opened her eyes to find herself alone in the restroom apart from one of the girls who worked there , who was leaning over her and gently shaking her shoulder .
14 On the negative side , funerals were becoming so much more secular in outlook , appearance and context that the surviving guilds and fraternities found themselves hard-pressed to provide all that made for an average funeral of the new type ; the rules were being rewritten by a public which no longer wished to perpetuate the simple ritual hitherto provided and which were looking for a pageantry close to that of the great baronial funerals as performed by the College of Arms , a corporation of heralds and part of the Royal Household .
15 Conran found himself beleaguered and somewhat bemused as to why his group should suddenly be the focal point of so many would-be suitors .
16 You may not see a great deal of your creative team — many agencies take the quite reasonable view that the creative people should be busy making advertisements , not chatting up clients , and in one or two like Collett Dickinson & Pearce , the creative department holds itself superior and aloof and deals with clients only through its emissaries , the account executives .
17 There he sat down with the guards keeping himself warm by the fire .
18 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
19 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
20 Mola found himself commanding difficult campaigns in northern Spain and was damaged by the Carlist connections about which he himself felt uneasy .
21 Sorrel busied herself fetching glasses while she yelled the introductions .
22 Sylvie poured herself another drink , smoothed her dress .
23 The probably crazy Frankie introduces himself several times during the LP in a mad US radio DJ voice , and if that is n't novelty enough to make this worthy buying , then ignore it and just marvel at that great voice .
24 Corbett shook himself awake .
25 Chatterton poured himself more bourbon , then put the bottle within my reach on the binnacle shelf .
26 The animals barked themselves hoarse as the little party tramped past and they were amused to see men watching them , one from behind a ruined byre , another behind a thick tree-trunk .
27 David poured himself another cup of tea and drained it , although it was quite cold by then and horribly tannic .
28 Donna threw herself clear of Benton 's groping hands .
29 Schools run themselves some have left the authority , we still have three education sub committees a major education committee , numerous sub groups and working parties and it 's gone time we recognised the changing world and streamlined the members side of the education department in the same way that the officer side 's been streamlined and slimmed down .
30 Hitch poured himself another glass of Chablis , raised his eyebrows at Carol expectantly and moved the bottle towards her , but she shook her head , covering her glass with one hand .
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