Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The compartments were referred to by the ordinal numbers from 1 ( apex ) to 5 ( base ) and the labelling index calculated for each compartment .
2 Some of the rules change at this stage .
3 Groups formed in this way tended to remain relatively stable , moving as a whole from one activity to another , although in a few classes they were formed only for specific activities ( generally mathematics ) and disbanded for the rest of the day .
4 Grainne felt her heart thudding with such a fierceness that she could almost imagine he would hear it .
5 Another possibility is that the IP 3 R functions to integrate information from the multiple inputs received by this dendritic tree .
6 This is an important reminder for , on seeing the beautiful objects excavated from this charming little town , it is all too easy to forget its horrible end .
7 The story goes like this .
8 THE STORY GOES LIKE this : a young man of 31 called Gary Humphreys from came down to London on June 1 , last year .
9 If you have n't then the story goes like this … .
10 The codes used are summarised in Fig 11.13 ; internal in this instance referred to any activity within the EPH system model , and external to those of the wider system of interest or surrounding environment , eg the Department headquarters , Area Offices etc .
11 We proposed that arrays of dimeric met repressor molecules bind to these extended operator regions , with a stoichiometry of one repressor per met box , to form a left-handed superhelix around the DNA .
12 Complementary to that record we have the accounts given by those fans of those very occasions and others like them .
13 On May 16 the Appeal Court halved the five-year prison sentence given to former Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders in August 1990 for " massive fraud " in connection with the Distillers Company takeover bid [ see p. 37662 ] .
14 If an individual buys a futures contract at this price and later sells a contract at 91–23 , then he will have made a loss of 328.13 ( i.e. 21 ticks x 15.625 per tick ) .
15 It is also possible to unwind a futures contract at any time by performing a reversing trade , so futures contracts are generally extremely liquid ( at least for the near maturing contracts ) .
16 When the bas-relief on a newly-opened post office was reviewed by The Times , the newspaper 's art correspondent commented with some inspiration , ‘ The design consists of a male and female nude , recumbent , but with a suggestion that they are floating in water .
17 There have , however , been some attempts to go beyond this and to develop conceptions of TNCs not as representatives of the power of the state , as tends to happen within state-centrist analyses , but as independent of and even , on occasion , opponents of the state .
18 The role will involve providing economic back-up analysis and feasibility studies for planning activities undertaken at all levels by the Physical Planning Directorate .
19 The Commission points out that it is often difficult to attribute responsibility , especially when damage is the cumulative result of activities undertaken by many parties .
20 The platelet aggregates formed in this way are fixed with formol .
21 But he was sufficiently master of himself to resist , and pulled out of her , his heart thumping like some crazy locked up in the cell of his chest .
22 ‘ I think to myself ‘ Well , has this company got the expertise to treat to this particular standard ? ’ , ’ said an area officer :
23 Nevertheless , in the repeated game of incomplete information we have shown that players ' strategies converge to those they employ in the full information game .
24 As I suggested in the previous chapter , the creation of the European Economic Area and the looming enlargement of the Community make possible the development of an EEC consisting of some twenty to twenty-five freely cooperating nations .
25 How else can you claim the insurance cover the certificate offers on all defects which occur in the first two years , and structural defects up to ten years ?
26 70% of vacant council houses given to those not on the waiting list
27 Seated on one stool by the wall of the hut , with her foot resting on another , Paige stared gloomily at Travis 's figure down by the water 's edge .
28 Lord Devlin expanded on this in the lorry accident case in 1969 :
29 Male differs from both sexes of Baillon 's Crake in its olive-brown upperparts , unstreaked wing coverts , unbarred flanks .
30 It was a strange experience to wait in that embattled and enclosed town , amongst the tense thousands .
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