Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] other " in BNC.

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1 Landlords with money to spare and other entrepreneurs took advantage of such factors as space and improved communications to expand productive facilities to rural areas .
2 The major difference between theorem proving and other forms of monotonic search is just the choice of basic operators .
3 However , in most of what follows , we shall treat theorem proving and other cases of monotonic search as if they were the same .
4 It would perhaps be unusual for expulsion to follow as a matter of course under this head without some discussion with the invalid to see whether other arrangements might be made and the real object of including this as a ground for expulsion is to remove doubt on all sides as to when such delicate matters are liable to be brought up for discussion in the context of early retirement .
5 Her water-melon breasts rest heavily on her lap and her cleavage starts where other women have a navel .
6 It considers their employment status at the time of the survey , the likelihood of being in or about to start work according to the IT subject studied , the type of institution attended and other key influences .
7 Loss of momentum occurs when other people are not motivated to do their part .
8 When further research showed that other circles of almost six miles radius ( double that of Rennes-le-Chateau ) had already been found in the county Wiltshire and the midlands and were even more clearly marked by ancient building , I determined to investigate the phenomenon .
9 An HIV enteropathy would probably worsen with disease progression , and our study shows that other intestinal infections are of uncertain relevance ; however , it is tempting to assume as synergistic effect of HIV with other infectious agents to explain the progressive gastrointestinal dysfunction seen with the advancement of the disease .
10 A blistering July day , her thick woollen underwear sodden with perspiration under the hot black habit , a throbbing headache , Hilda more insistent than ever ; a scene in the playground , only a few words exchanged because other girls were watching , but a few words that shrieked under the stress of the emotion that they bore ; an impatient phrase , more cutting than she had intended ; Hilda turning away–nth a passionate sob , running , running …
11 Thus all land , however tied up it may be by complex entails and other interests , has since 1882 been alienable by the tenant for life under his statutory powers .
12 Arguments against screening included that other effects of hormone replacement therapy are as or more important when decisions on treatment are made ; that no agreement exists on when and whom to treat ; that measurements vary at different times and with different equipment ; and that there is little separation between the groups who will and will not suffer fracture in terms of bone mass .
13 The Opposition argue that other European countries have regional government and we must have it as well .
14 The problem is , to some extent , that because of the research involved and other factors , such offerings are often out-of-date by the time of publication .
15 TWO men were last night charged with the Harrods bombing and other terrorist charges .
16 They recommended that volunteers receive subsistence payments for child minding and other special needs .
17 Gloucestershire police are in the middle of a crack down on vehicle related and other crime , called operation Gemini .
18 Deposit Taking , statement printing and bill paying may be added to the functions Cashline or other similar self service devices deliver . ’
19 The Act stated that other schemes could be formed from the schedule of twelve by advancing or postponing the day of payment of the first instalment , provided that the first payment was not made sooner than the eleventh day , and that not more than one penny per pound was added to the interest for every thirteen days of such postponement .
20 . He was a cabinet maker and er then the boss and we just all sort of worked You know sometimes we had a quite a lot of work going and other times we would n't have anything and other times you were standing waiting doing nothing , waiting in the job g coming for the cabinet makers who would send through legs , something to get started just as long as we got started to work , maybe it was in a hurry .
21 It is surprising how easy it is for businessmen to assume that other nationalities will react in exactly the same way as they themselves do .
22 British purchases of European manufactures and other products were paid for with cash , with British manufactures , and with overseas produce .
23 If a fork results from repeats in the genome ( and is therefore likely to violate the neighbourhood rules given below ) , it is reasonable simply to make a break in the contig because it represents a limit of the experimental technique used and other approaches using longer probes or clones may help to close the gap .
24 ford comments that other early candidates for relegation are special collections , books published before a certain date , or material in certain formats , e.g. pamphlets .
25 It does seem however , from the evidence of the Australian National University concerning the Gogo lungfish , that a complicated scenario arose where other techniques of air-breathing occurred accidentally , and that air-sac creatures invaded freshwater habitats while the diaphragm-breathers became the first land inhabitants .
26 They must have talked long and hard about their future , and from now on Helen believed that other people would probably regard them as being ‘ engaged ’ — a term she hated because of the overtones of male dominance and female sexual ignorance that went with it .
27 Various types of part-time work , job sharing and other flexible arrangements are becoming available to women and to a lesser extent , to men .
28 Employees working alongside each other in apparently comparable jobs may be quite differently rewarded depending on effort , performance , volume of business generated and other factors .
29 A recent five-year study by three researchers , two Cambridge research institutes involved in genetic engineering , at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and the Medical Research Council 's Laboratory of Molecular Biology concluded that ‘ genetic manipulation experiments in the categories encountered in the Cambridge laboratories constitute no general risk to the workers involved or other staff ’ .
30 Tom did and other subscribers to the hunt may have .
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