Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] then " in BNC.

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1 As you requested , your identity will be preserved in the approach letter and interested parties will be asked , in the first instance , to contact MAS , who will assess the parties ' willingness to proceed and then report back to yourselves .
2 Ten minutes to go and then
3 At twilight , mosquitos and midges appear and then , as darkness falls , nocturnal creatures such as hedgehogs , owls , and bats take over .
4 It is in the last hundred years or so that theories have been advanced to justify critical or art historical practice , the creation of such theories being made more urgent in the last fifty years by a struggle to establish and then uphold the status of art history as an academic discipline .
5 As fashion dictates what a lot of the manufacturers make and then try and sell to Joe Public , I suppose we 're all guilty of fuelling this aspect of guitar/amp and gadget marketing .
6 ‘ We decided that the only course was to run away to marry at Gretna Green , because her guardian , as soon as he knew of my interest , first tried to get my apprenticeship broken and then announced that his son would marry Catherine on the day of her twenty-first birthday — two weeks from now .
7 Four times end-over-end the aircraft tumbled and then went into several spins , the spins being in both directions with mo complete recovery between them .
8 Besides what happens if Rocky goes and then Strach gets injured , who do we have as cover in the midfield — Hodge , he 's hardly played much first team footballer and his whilst his goal scoring skills are fine he is not in the same class as Rocky or Strachan .
9 You just get up when Steven goes and then
10 He weighed her up for a moment , his wide mouth compressed and then asked : ‘ D'ye think Isobel would come to a ball with me ? ’
11 She gently turned Omi 's pillow to stop her mild snoring and then drifted off into her own dreamless sleep .
12 Harry stayed with her until her eyes closed and then went to see if there was any way he could offer some comfort to the grief-stricken man downstairs .
13 Anyway I comes out to here and said do n't go near that door , open the back door very careful , there 's three kids got and then we went out and chase the buggers .
14 For a moment her eyes opened and then she hurriedly bent her head .
15 What you need to do is to decide how much time study requires and then find the time in the day to do it .
16 any way I got to the last one and it was two combinations combined together , so you 've got two separate combinations to do and then you 're to put those two together in with a different rule
17 Emily caught sight of the shoemaker 's daughter , a basket over her arm , and for a moment their eyes locked and then Emily looked away .
18 To join the band , I first picked up the sweater piece with right side facing and then using a three pronged latch tool I picked up the band .
19 You see , by starting with it you emphasise the wholly hopeful , optimistic expectations the words imply and then , by ending with it , you can stress the double-edged sword quality : the irony .
20 So we got there and he said right okay you 're the press chappy he 's right I 've put your press people over there so while respect Lieutenant Commander that really wo n't do because everything including the Band of the Royal Marines is between them and the Princess Royal so we argued about this and the compromise eventually was that that everybody would have to stay there until the ceremony started and then we could bring the stills photographers round to the end and up to one side where it was all happening mainly to get a picture of his wife cutting the cake .
21 Suddenly , the source of the smoke and flame dipped and then was abruptly extinguished .
22 This chapter illustrates some attractors : these static illustrations are a poor substitute for watching the trajectories approach and then wind around the attractor , and for following the sequence of bifurcations ( changes in type of attractor ) as a parameter is changed .
23 Although there would undoubtedly have been job losses after the merger , the proposal can be viewed as a relatively straightforward attempt to restructure and then rationalise an industry with excess capacity , with firms which were insufficiently large to exploit economies of scale and thus unable to make a profit .
24 The champagne corks popped but then the reporter told us the house had been repossessed .
25 So it 's basically if they finish on the level points goal difference shall determine the final positions followed by the highest number of goals scored and then by the highest number of goals scored away from home .
26 Drinks in the social club followed and then a guided tour of Royston CSD was given .
27 The faces on the roof disappeared and then appeared again .
28 A spokesman for Hampshire police said : ‘ It seems Mrs Soper died and then her husband passed away a short time later .
29 Edward smiled and then said : ‘ Can I ask you some questions about God , Mr Lang ? ’
30 A pathetic attempt to use proto-scientific methods to ascertain and then apprehend the transcendent .
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