Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] call for " in BNC.

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1 I myself , not having much knowledge of computer electronics called for the services of a professional Computer Engineer , after explaining the symptoms he gave the PC a thorough check , he then informed me no fault could be found but suggested that as the problem was intermittent and the PC was somewhat old , it could be susceptible to noise not conducted but radiated at some external source , Radio Frequency Interference ( R.F.I. ) .
2 The 1989 defence budget called for 1.7 per cent growth in spending to 11.75 billion lei ( approximately £500 million — Britain 's defence budget in the same period was £19.2 billion ) , but this is insufficient for the armed forces ' perceived needs .
3 On Feb. 13 up to 50,000 demonstrators outside the CP headquarters called for the deportation of Armenian refugees from Dushanbe ( the authorities insisted that fewer than 40 Armenians had arrived in the city , not thousands as rumoured , and that all had been housed with relatives ) , for the dismissal of the republic 's leadership , and for better job prospects and housing and environmental protection .
4 The Alfonsín government elected in Argentina in late 1983 woúld probably also be included in this category , as would the recently elected ( 1984 ) administration in Uruguay ( president Julio Maria Sanguinetti called for expanded economic relations with the USSR shortly before his inauguration ) and the APRA government led by Alán Garcia in Peru which , since its election victory in May 1985 , has taken an active role in the Non-Aligned Movement , vying for the leadership and backing its challenge with moves to extend diplomatic recognition to the Palestine Liberation Organisation ; ( iii ) capitalist , ‘ liberal-bourgeois ’ governments that are oriented towards Washington , for example , Venezuela , Peru under Belaúnde , Colombia ( before 1982 ) , Costa Rica and Jamaica ; ( iv ) ‘ right-wing ’ , ‘ reactionary ’ military dictatorships generally not liked , but supported by the United States .
5 Seven people were reported killed after police fired on protesters in West Bengal calling for the arrest of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh officially estimated to total 100,000 .
6 The National Co-ordination Committee of Opposition Groups called for a day of civil disobedience on April 15 and for a general strike — " Operation dead cities " — on April 18 and 19 , which appeared to be widely observed .
7 In the context of political campaigning for parliamentary elections to be held on Oct. 13 , opposition groups called for the banning of the Bulgarian Communist Party and other hardline groups which did support the Soviet coup .
8 Under pressure from Western donor governments and from opposition groups calling for the restoration of multiparty civilian government , the PNDC on July 5 , 1990 , announced the opening of " a national discussion on the country 's political future " with the purpose of developing an " authentic , African brand of democracy " .
9 Despite a warning that the government would act " immediately and resolutely " if the unrest continued , there were further protests in Seoul and elsewhere in the ensuing days as a coalition of student and dissidents groups called for the overthrow of the Roh government .
10 At the end a section of the Coleraine fans called for the resignation of manager Billy Sinclair .
11 On June 11 in Sofia , after the first round of elections , as many as 100,000 students and opposition supporters called for fresh elections to be held .
12 Rallies had been held repeatedly since March 26 in Dushanbe , the capital , organized by the opposition parties calling for the resignation of the Supreme Soviet Chair , Sarafali Kenjayev .
13 Opposition parties called for stricter curbs on pollution .
14 The report prompted opposition parties to call for the immediate resignation of the Finance Minister , Manmohan Singh , and the governor of the Reserve Bank .
15 At the meeting federation vice-chairman Richard Coyles called for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent ‘ anarchy ’ in cities .
16 The de Vitto report on the social charter action programme called for the commission to carry out a survey into legislation and practices that discriminated on the grounds of age and to take measures to guarantee equal treatment for elderly people .
17 And Miss Ross called for an inquiry into prison service procedures for issuing personal protection weapons .
18 A report by the Social Security Research Consortium calls for the discretionary Social Fund to be abandoned because it is failing to help those who most need it .
19 The trunk lines called for stations of all sizes from small lean-to flag stations to large city termini .
20 Later on in the meeting , Council member David Lindsay called for a full report on Training Outside Public Practice , following his discovery that 62 of the 77 students currently training under TOPP are employed by the National Audit Office .
21 During the 12th plenum of the Albanian Worker 's Party ( AWP ) central committee on Nov. 6-7 , President Ramiz Alia called for changes to the country 's 1976 Constitution , including a redefinition of the leading role of the party and freedom for religious beliefs .
22 Up to 300,000 people heard speeches by leaders of nationalist organizations and senior CPL officials calling for the restoration of Lithuania 's full independence from the Soviet Union .
23 A group representing families of the British victims marked the anniversary by handing in a petition to 10 Downing Street calling for a public inquiry .
24 The FAA has issued a proposed Airworthiness Directive calling for inspections and modifications to parts of the airframe and engine mounts of Piper PA-32R Saratogas .
25 When they do vote , they usually cast their votes on national issues : Neil Kinnock called for the June 1989 elections to be a judgement on Mrs Thatcher 's term in office .
26 David Hay calls for a " de-indoctrination " from secularism ( Hay 1990 : 109 ) .
27 He had been under attack from right-wing politicians for some time , in particular for signing an appeal by a wide range of opposition forces calling for greater democracy in Hungary .
28 Other opposition leaders called for foreign observers to monitor the elections .
29 Opposition leaders called for an investigation after Namaliu , who had been trailing 1,600 votes behind rival candidate Oscar Tammur at an early stage of the count , secured victory following an unexplained power blackout while the final ballot boxes were being processed .
30 Your rhythm style calls for a great deal of aggressive down-stroke picking …
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