Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Defence counsel called in psychologist Olive Tunstall to give an independent opinion .
2 I myself , not having much knowledge of computer electronics called for the services of a professional Computer Engineer , after explaining the symptoms he gave the PC a thorough check , he then informed me no fault could be found but suggested that as the problem was intermittent and the PC was somewhat old , it could be susceptible to noise not conducted but radiated at some external source , Radio Frequency Interference ( R.F.I. ) .
3 The 1989 defence budget called for 1.7 per cent growth in spending to 11.75 billion lei ( approximately £500 million — Britain 's defence budget in the same period was £19.2 billion ) , but this is insufficient for the armed forces ' perceived needs .
4 On Feb. 13 up to 50,000 demonstrators outside the CP headquarters called for the deportation of Armenian refugees from Dushanbe ( the authorities insisted that fewer than 40 Armenians had arrived in the city , not thousands as rumoured , and that all had been housed with relatives ) , for the dismissal of the republic 's leadership , and for better job prospects and housing and environmental protection .
5 The ceasefire broke down within hours , however , and the Croatian Defence Ministry called on the population to mobilize for a " very long defensive campaign " .
6 The Alfonsín government elected in Argentina in late 1983 woúld probably also be included in this category , as would the recently elected ( 1984 ) administration in Uruguay ( president Julio Maria Sanguinetti called for expanded economic relations with the USSR shortly before his inauguration ) and the APRA government led by Alán Garcia in Peru which , since its election victory in May 1985 , has taken an active role in the Non-Aligned Movement , vying for the leadership and backing its challenge with moves to extend diplomatic recognition to the Palestine Liberation Organisation ; ( iii ) capitalist , ‘ liberal-bourgeois ’ governments that are oriented towards Washington , for example , Venezuela , Peru under Belaúnde , Colombia ( before 1982 ) , Costa Rica and Jamaica ; ( iv ) ‘ right-wing ’ , ‘ reactionary ’ military dictatorships generally not liked , but supported by the United States .
7 Seven people were reported killed after police fired on protesters in West Bengal calling for the arrest of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh officially estimated to total 100,000 .
8 The National Co-ordination Committee of Opposition Groups called for a day of civil disobedience on April 15 and for a general strike — " Operation dead cities " — on April 18 and 19 , which appeared to be widely observed .
9 In the context of political campaigning for parliamentary elections to be held on Oct. 13 , opposition groups called for the banning of the Bulgarian Communist Party and other hardline groups which did support the Soviet coup .
10 Under pressure from Western donor governments and from opposition groups calling for the restoration of multiparty civilian government , the PNDC on July 5 , 1990 , announced the opening of " a national discussion on the country 's political future " with the purpose of developing an " authentic , African brand of democracy " .
11 Environmental health officer Richard Hallows called on the public to report any rat sightings to the Pest Control Unit on .
12 Despite a warning that the government would act " immediately and resolutely " if the unrest continued , there were further protests in Seoul and elsewhere in the ensuing days as a coalition of student and dissidents groups called for the overthrow of the Roh government .
13 At the end a section of the Coleraine fans called for the resignation of manager Billy Sinclair .
14 Oh I should think it would be the best part of an hour and er then I 'd go along Street down into Walker Brothers call in my father 's office .
15 On June 11 in Sofia , after the first round of elections , as many as 100,000 students and opposition supporters called for fresh elections to be held .
16 Rallies had been held repeatedly since March 26 in Dushanbe , the capital , organized by the opposition parties calling for the resignation of the Supreme Soviet Chair , Sarafali Kenjayev .
17 Opposition parties called for stricter curbs on pollution .
18 The report prompted opposition parties to call for the immediate resignation of the Finance Minister , Manmohan Singh , and the governor of the Reserve Bank .
19 On the Tuesday Ramsey called on his former best man Eric Abbott in London , who had urged him never to be a bishop in England .
20 At the meeting federation vice-chairman Richard Coyles called for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent ‘ anarchy ’ in cities .
21 President André Kolingba called on May 18 for an end to strife in return for the promise of accelerated political reform .
22 The de Vitto report on the social charter action programme called for the commission to carry out a survey into legislation and practices that discriminated on the grounds of age and to take measures to guarantee equal treatment for elderly people .
23 The opposition CDS called on Alfonso Guerra , a close friend of the Prime Minister Felipe González , to accept " political responsibility " for the affair and resign .
24 And Miss Ross called for an inquiry into prison service procedures for issuing personal protection weapons .
25 The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives judiciary committee called on July 10 for the appointment of a special prosecutor ( independent counsel ) to investigate the possibility that senior members of the Bush administration had contravened the law in providing military assistance to Iraq in the period prior to its invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 , and had then sought to conceal the evidence through a cover-up .
26 The Aberdeen and Shetland mail steamers call at Wick Bay , weather permitting ; this clause has a deep meaning in it , as many can witness who have seen how the waves break on that shore at times .
27 A report by the Social Security Research Consortium calls for the discretionary Social Fund to be abandoned because it is failing to help those who most need it .
28 The trunk lines called for stations of all sizes from small lean-to flag stations to large city termini .
29 The research publication calls on a number of representative bodies , including the London Stock Exchange , the Financial Reporting Council , the ASB , the Urgent Issues Task Force and the Auditing Practices Board , to consider how they should respond to environmental issues .
30 Later on in the meeting , Council member David Lindsay called for a full report on Training Outside Public Practice , following his discovery that 62 of the 77 students currently training under TOPP are employed by the National Audit Office .
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