Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] look [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ALLAN MILLIGAN Looking ahead : Vice-Adml Sir Kenneth Eaton ( seated ) is shown a possible design for a warship bridge by Cmdr Mark Kerr
2 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
3 That kind of blood-curdling prose makes some horror comics look positively decent .
4 Lyndhurst West looks back at COMDEX , and decides what 's hot , and what 's not in Coming our way .
5 Built over 200 years ago , its elegant Regency houses look down quietly towards the sea , a matter of 200 yards away .
6 For several minutes Morse looked down at the turbid , turgid river ; and his thoughts were as restless as the waters below him .
7 However , the MacSharry proposals look only in the most narrow , blinkered way for solutions .
8 La Bretagne looked even pricier .
9 And as he goes under the hooves Andy looks around for John , eyes wide , but John can not help him .
10 Lisa Stansfield looks forward to the Eighties
11 Realising that rowing was n't viable long-term , he soon became interested in karate and after a short time at the university club looked further afield for tutoring .
12 In these circumstances , M. Mitterrand looked forward to a ‘ Yes ’ vote of as much as 70 per cent .
13 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
14 The Bees missed a penalty and had a Marcus Gayle goal disallowed , while the Tranmere winner looked suspiciously off-side .
15 Miss Honey looked carefully at the tiny girl with dark hair and a round serious face sitting in the second row .
16 Miss Honey looked up sharply …
17 I think Anne Bancroft and Judi Dench look best for their ages , with naturally , healthy , ‘ glad to be alive ’ expressions on their faces .
18 The graphics are n't particularly inspired : the scenery 's pretty drab , the enemy aircraft look just like yours , and apart from the odd multiple-shots-to-kill barrage balloon that 's all there is !
19 Miss Kenton looked rather upset .
20 So Jack Hayward 's tribute to Graham Turner and the club programme looked fully justified but began to wear thin .
21 Next to me , Richard Attenborough looks about as emotional as Anthony Blunt .
22 Or again late at night as I stood shivering at my bedroom window looking out on the frosted garden , unable to sleep and unable to understand why .
23 Miss Potts I was awfully sorry about that spider affair the other day , she began , of course Alicia and Daryl were in the classroom before hand , I 'm sure they know something about it , I heard Alicia say , Miss Potts looked up , are you trying to sneak she said , or in more polite language to tell tales , because if so , do n't try it on me .
24 Miss Potts looked so disbelieving , Mademoiselle exaggerated the size of the spider and held out her hands to show Miss Potts it was at least as big as a fair sized frog .
25 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
26 Miss Havisham looked just the same as before .
27 Miss Havisham looked down at her dress , and then at her face in the mirror on the table .
28 Opening his eyes Benny looked up into his brother 's tearstained face .
29 As Crawford , Winner and the ten-person film unit prepared to start work in the War Memorial Gallery , not exactly blending in with the surroundings , those on the floor of the Stock Exchange looked up , started screaming and shouting , and threw paper darts .
30 In Argentina President Carlos Menem looks even weaker since he released the generals .
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