Example sentences of "[unc] [no cls] [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 The range consists of two models — a 25MHz 486SX and a 33MHz 486DX , which will be followed by more cheap machines .
2 Yeah a a a and a lion .
3 Oesophageal motility studies showed that 16 of the 26 patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus had a defective lower oesophageal sphincter as defined by Zaninotto et al and a similar proportion of each group had weak or ineffective lower oesophageal peristaltic amplitude .
4 Now once the benefits were approved er by the Trust Deed and er bearing in mind that the Chairman at that meeting informed the Trustee and I quote in determining the structure of the scheme the company was prepared to enter into consultation with the Trade Unions and Trustees , but this was a consultative process only and not a subject for negotiation ; and their company then went on to seek the er er the transfer of the present contributing members er er and a hundred of the members agreed er to transfer into that new scheme .
5 There 'll be a new quango , there 'll be a new S F R A , there 'll be a government ministers er er and a lot of ci civil servants , we already have the deregulation unit .
6 it goes a bit faster does n't it , the next er er and a couple of bits after .
7 In a large frying or saute pan put a slab of butter ( I use a good quality butter and find that it pays to prepare 2 lb. at a time since it keeps almost indefinitely and is immeasurably superior to fresh butter for frying bread , croquettes , rissoles , fish cakes , veal escalopes , fish à la meunière and a score of other tricky cooking jobs ) .
8 Theodora , freshly returned from the cathedral 's matins and a tramp round Norwich , ate her Sunday luncheon about half-past two , on the terrace , with Charles 's Medoc and Blomfield 's Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk from Charles 's library to hand .
9 The company commented that it had benchmarked machines like ICL 's DRS6000 and a Sequent server in December 1990 but they were not considered fast enough .
10 It 's now a fait accompli and a surprise to everyone . ’
11 Intelligent music lovers require more than a pout from Simon Le Bon or a wiggle or is it a riddle from Nik Kershaw .
12 Any grant of papal support or protection , as Alexander II 's support of William the Conqueror 's invasion of England in 1066 , was likely to lead to a request for a quid pro quo or a reminder of a payment due .
13 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
14 The mobilizing style has a greater appeal when there is dissatisfaction with the status quo and a feeling that new policies are required .
15 Thatcherism has been both a matter of style — combining impatience with much of the status quo and a relentless promotion of new attitudes — and policies .
16 When Panama City awakened , and after I had taken a small breakfast of pineapple , café con leche and a hard roll or two , I rented a small white Japanese car , acquired a map from the official cartographers who conduct their business under the curious name of the Instituto Geografico Nacional Tommy Guardia , and set out to look for Santa Fé , for William — and for the Pacific .
17 The relationship of dancers to each other usually leads to a climax of some kind , possibly a confrontation or conflict , perhaps an exciting pas de deux or a feat of virtuosity .
18 The BBC decided to prune the Sunday League , and we had to share with a grand prix or a showjumping event .
19 The post is available immediately and will be either a Higher Scientific Officer with a salary range of £ –£ per annum or a Scientific Officer with a salary range of £9907–£ per annum .
20 Leasehold with a balance of 73 years unexpired with a ground rent of £15 per annum and a variable maintenance charge .
21 The family had a country seat at Chertsey in Surrey , and by the time of his death in 1617 Hammond 's father was clearly a wealthy man , giving generously to charity as well as providing for his widow and children , Thomas 's share being a lease worth £40 per annum and a legacy of £200 .
22 Using the last example of a bond with a dirty price of 96.50 , coupon payments of 8.75 per annum and a year to maturity , we get the following yields to maturity :
23 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
24 ‘ Assuming some progress in resolving the debt crisis , ’ Mr Grant says , ‘ then even a 5 per cent or a 10 per cent diversion of military spending could provide the additional $50 billion or so each year which is needed to end absolute poverty on the planet within the next 10 years . ’
25 For more than £2 the rate was 20 per cent or a halfpenny a month for every fraction of 2s 6d .
26 An early Inland Revenue analysis of the revaluation suggest that 240,000 businesses in England face increases of 100 per cent or more in their annual bills ; about 230,000 rises between 50 and 100 per cent and a further 390,000 increases of between five and 50 per cent .
27 In the United States , the strict new Clean Air Bill passed by the senate in April 1990 would cut carbon monoxide emissions by 70 per cent and a number of other gases by 22 per cent .
28 While the SPD 's share of the vote fell by 7.5 per cent to 47.3 , the Right-wing Deutsche Volks-Union came from nowhere to rack up 5.1 per cent and a place in the local parliament .
29 Of those who were visited , 44 per cent had only relatives to see them , 11 per cent were visited just by friends or neighbours and 45 per cent by both relatives and friends ; the most frequent visitor was a relative for 78 per cent and a friend or neighbour for 22 per cent .
30 With liquid assets of £1.3 million , a profit margin of 18 per cent and a return of 15 per cent on capital the county must be the envy of many businesses totally unconnected with cricket .
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