Example sentences of "[unc] [coord] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Er and to give the shop stewards er a greater degree of recognition
2 It 's also very good if board members can attend to er not merely to support the staff er and to celebrate the event but also , if necessary , to talk to the press or to er engage er with guests and so on and so forth .
3 This is it you see , I mean a , a company like or have gone to a lot of trouble to get that length right , er and to tune the box and all this that and the other and get the right , I do n't know maybe er just think oh you know you just build this , put this massive speaker in and call it a sub based woofer
4 In addition to the Appropriation Accounts , there are many statutory bodies that have responsibilities to produce accounts , to have them audited by the C. and A.G. and to present the result to Parliament .
5 On each flight to Cyprus six groundcrew were on board to cope with any problems encountered en route and to remove the avionics not included in the sale .
6 What would be the best type of heating — heater/stats or to heat the room with a wall-mounted convector ?
7 Accordingly , we may choose to retain the columns unc and to adopt the rows , orthogonal
8 This may be done in various ways , but one simple and useful device is to adopt two auxiliary variables : unc and to write the equations in the form unc Then if we now write unc and unc proportional to exp unc and again seek the complementary function , the four equations may be written , with a little rearrangement , unc This equation can clearly be written in partitioned form as unc or unc where unc The quartic determinantal equation obtained from this first-order set of equations may be seen by inspection to be identical with that obtained from the quadratic formulation .
9 I suspect these are people who , as children , were able to make their sweets last longer than anyone else 's and to keep the best bit till last .
10 this is a structural change , what you could do or the easiest thing would be to do was just to incorporate a dummy variable , right , if you incorporated a dummy variable to a erm and to explain the and to take out the effect of structural change , right , er in that dummy inclusive model , right , all the diagnostic test statistics were okay , right , you would use , you would , therefore , use that , that particular model what we might do is just see if that is the case erm so if you come out of er diagnostics , work towards the data processing environment and generate a dummy variable right , so if you go into the erm data processing environment if it 's in the er sort of process plot option what we 'll do create a dummy variable call it D and let D pull zero press the return key and then edit D oh and if you just set erm observations for
11 Unfortunately all the O N D information erm on that and that binds is post code er referenced erm and to extract the data erm in a meaningful sense for Greater York will require the reworking of all the basic data and that will take some time .
12 Erm yeah I certainly would encourage you down that path Miss Whittaker that if it helps , I do n't know whether you 've got all the documents , but in our our submissions to the county we suggested that if E two has to survive erm and to add the words , sorry , exactly as you started the sentence but finishing that the exceptions were areas of the sites allocated for development in local plans , it would seem to me to make it absolutely clear what the freedom of local interpretation was in the statutory plan process whilst giving the county the the that it wanted on all the other areas of the county .
13 Erm whereas at this stage the four of us could probably find accommodation which was n't that much more expensive erm but to have the actual focus for the for the local party .
14 In common with Wallerstein and the ‘ world systems ’ theorists the proponents of the NIDL share a general conception of the capitalist world system divided into core , semi-periphery and periphery in which a division of labour has evolved to maximize the profits of transnational corporations and/ or to solve the problems of the major capitalist societies .
15 Large-scale public-sector redundancies and sharp increases in the prices of basic commodities , especially food , were expected in view of the government 's plan to reduce inflation from an estimated annualized 100 per cent to 15 per cent and to deregulate the economy .
16 The government 's economic programme for 1991 was designed to achieve real economic growth of about 5 per cent , to hold inflation down to 14 per cent and to limit the deterioration in the current-account balance .
17 Although officials stressed that the decision to extend negotiations had been anticipated in a draft accord , submitted by GATT 's Director-General Arthur Dunkel on Dec. 20 , it was understood that the EC had expressed fierce opposition to Dunkel 's latest proposals to cut internal price supports by 20 per cent , to reduce export subsidies by 36 per cent and to trim the volume of subsidized farm exports by 24 per cent .
18 Subsequently a small fort would be constructed , a garrison would be placed there to collect yasak and to protect the private traders .
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