Example sentences of "[unc] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
2 The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) held its 91st ministerial meeting in Vienna on May 21-22 , and decided to " roll over " for the third quarter of 1992 the overall output ceiling of 22,982,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , in view of the relative firmness of prices ( around US$18.50 for the representative " basket " of crudes on which the OPEC reference price , currently $21 , was calculated ) .
3 There are no initial or switching charges ; the annual management fee is 0.75% for the individual currency classes and 1.5% for the managed currency classes .
4 Overall , the Conservative Party received more than half the broadcasting time on 56% of the occasions when Members appeared in an item , as opposed to 35% for Labour and 12.6% for the Liberal Democrats .
5 However , a statement by the Auditor General suggested that both the President and the Finance Minister would have had to sign the final audit report of the government fund for " secret services " which was budgeted at R380,000,000 for the current year .
6 Ab out the only other interesting facility promised by the manual is that you can pick up UDG 's but it fails to mention where from …
7 What it 's the structure for the a for the average person .
8 Thus , the yearly incidence rate was 0.03% for the whole population , and even if it had been adjusted to an age-standardised incidence , the observed incidence of 1.2% would still be more than expected , considering that the uncorrected risk ratio was 40 .
9 In each tableau we find θ using ( 6.4b ) ( θ is equal to θ for the previous tableau ) and , assuming that there is a unique j ( say j = k ) which achieves the maximum in ( 6.4b ) , we pivot in column k and repeat the process .
10 In April US President Bush announced the provision of US$18,000,000 in food aid and asked Congress to approve US$10,000,000 in support funds and US$3,000,000 for the electoral programme for the fiscal year 1991 .
11 Where a public examination is adjourned generally , the official receiver may , there and then , make application under 5 279(3) for the automatic discharge of the bankrupt not to take place ( r6.176(4) ) .
12 Chapter four includes brief accounts of social work/services for the main client groups in several countries .
13 I think Chris and I are are in agreement e about the technical issues here .
14 I mean , in a much more , erm , a le a less severe example , but we 're having a Road Safety Week , at school , this week , erm , and it was my class 's turn , yesterday afternoon , so I was just there keeping a watching brief with my my children while the , road safety representative was talking to them , and she put them us through the usual hoops of erm , did any of them play on the roadside un unattended .
15 On Feb. 19 the US State Department announced a reduction in total aid to Tunisia to US$19,000,000 for the current fiscal year .
16 Rilly-la-Montagne is the first significant growth , in terms of quality and quantity , to be encountered on the D26 , as one winds one 's way eastwards from the N51 through the northern slopes of the Montagne de Reims .
17 The peak flux density in the field is 276mJy for the extended source near the centre of the 44'x32' SNR half-ellipse arc .
18 Changing between the 0.10 gauge sets that you refer to should not cause any problems ; the first set has a heavy top and light bottom and vice versa for the other , and the difference in tension and playability would probably be too small to notice .
19 In that case do not change from B ♭ to A or vice versa for the offending section , unless the clarinet is to have an important solo passage during its course .
20 The estimated prevalence of known diabetes is 1.0–1.2% , suggesting that 64–77% of the diabetic population have been screened .
21 1.26 Some of the risks have been taken out of the system of " once and for all " compensation by s32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( Appendix B ) and the corresponding s51 of the County Courts Act 1984 .
22 Under Ord 18 , r8 the plaintiff must plead both the claim for provisional damages and the facts relied on to support it as specified by s32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
23 The financial resources proposed by the secretary of state to support the strategy are intended to move over a 5 year period from 0.8% of the total NHS budget to a target of 1.5% .
24 The criminal courts do possess a discretionary power to make compensation orders where a supplier is prosecuted to conviction in the case of personal injury loss or damage ( s35 of the Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973 as amended by s67 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 ) .
25 We have recently shown that at such an excretion rate , breath exhalation is about 50–60% of the total excretion .
26 At about this time , when the furrow that separates the midbrain from the hindbrain becomes apparent , 50–60% of the injected embryos showed abnormal development of this region .
27 Smaller injections led to a hypertrophy of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region ( eight cases ; 12–15% of the injected embryos ) , whereas embryos that were injected with a high dose of the antibody failed to form the midbrain-hindbrain boundary ( 32 cases ; 50–60% of the injected embryos ) .
28 As a result of all this , and in an attempt to lay down clear guidelines for Crown Court rulings in future cases the Attorney-General , under s.36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 , referred the decision to the Court of Appeal and ultimately to the House of Lords .
29 In a surprise comparable with the fall in UK unemployment for February , foreign semiconductor manufacturers took an astonishing 20.1% of the Japanese market in the fourth quarter of 1992 according to both Japan and the US — but the Japanese now worry that the system of targeting a specific foreign share of the market will be demanded for other product categories .
30 The ruling as to the objective test is not affected by s.8 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , which relates to proof : Newbury .
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