Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The manager paused and Wexford made a mental note to find out whether any lorries had been hi-jacked on Hatton 's A1 route during the penultimate week of May .
2 Similarly , because the potential difference across the reactance X of the unknown impedance Z must be in phase quadrature ( 90° out of phase ) with the potential difference across the standard series resistance , the phasor representing it is the projection CB of AB perpendicular to the direction of OA .
3 W majority of the dealing in there was marijuana .
4 I mean , I 'm involved in doing some statistics for Windmill House , the probation service , and we 've found that the sixteen-to-eighteen-year-old provision in the city is very , very small .
5 Thus , when the parks were reconstituted at local government re-organisation in April 1974' experience of the park purposes outweighed experience of farming by about two to one among the minister 's appointees .
6 Arthur de la Mare of the British Foreign Office remarked that one of the most noteworthy features of the broadcast by Hugh Borton and Edwin Martin was Borton 's admission that the failure of the Joint Commission was not entirely an American responsibility , ‘ nor was it entirely the Russians ’ .
7 In this study it has been shown by two independent methods that histamine increases the in vitro proliferation of the two gastric tumour cells ; MKN45 and MKN45G but not the two colorectal lines ; C170 and LoVo .
8 Intel Corp has put off first deliveries of the P5 microprocessor to the first quarter of next year from the fourth quarter this year , but says that the move has not affected progress on the follow-on P6 , which it had said would start sampling as soon as the fourth quarter of next year , suggesting it will come very hot on the heels of the P5 .
9 Ted Winters ' , on his 13th. sortie over the island .
10 So , are you all-expenses-paid-honeymooners coming to the big Halfway Party tonight ?
11 Nevertheless , the presence of VP2 protein in the infected cells was identifed by Western analyses ( see Figure 2B ) .
12 The major Japanese computer manufacturers expect to report sharp declines in profits for fiscal 1993 , Associated Press reports from Tokyo : five companies — Hitachi Ltd , Toshiba Corp , Mitsubishi Electric Co , NEC Corp and Fujitsu Ltd are expected to report a combined 72% decline in profits , according to the Nippon Keizai Shimbun , the second consecutive drop in yearly earnings among the five firms , which collectively saw a 59% drop last year from the prior year ; NEC has revised its expected loss upwards to $370m from $77m forecast in November , Hitachi expects earnings to fall 33% to $733m , Fujitsu forecast its first loss at $8.6m , and Mitsubishi Electric expects a 30% fall in profit to $336m ; Sony Corp , NEC and Hitachi are considering raising export prices to compensate for a 6.5% appreciation of the yen against the dollar in the past month , which has begun to erode Japanese exporters ' profits .
13 The mean concentrations of L289 immunoreactivity in the tumour extracts were about 20% those detected with LW60 .
14 In vitro incubations of fresh gastric mucosal biopsy specimens with BrdUrd or tritiated thymidine overcome the constraints of in vivo labelling at the cost of the loss of the dynamic function of pulse labelling .
15 Laura , an accountant , has just won the Ulster ladies ' individual life-saving title for the fourth year running , while Karen is in the ambulance service and plays a key role as secretary of Ireland 's No.1 club in the RLSS — Southend .
16 ‘ I want H Middlesbrough to be the No.1 club in the North-East .
17 A few minutes later she turned into Varney Street , a cul de sac west of the common , and parked outside a late-Victorian terraced house near the end .
18 Strategy 1 involves the purchase at the beginning of the year of all the shares in the stock index ( i.e. all the shares in the FTSE100 index with the appropriate weights ) .
19 His variation margin payments of 6250 have been paid and the average FTSE100 index during the last ten minutes of trading is 1810.5 , implying an EDSP of 1810.5 .
20 In addition , HSV-1 I9X protection of the strong VT2 binding site U in the VZV gene 62 promoter was undetectable using DNase I footprinting analysis of the UP6 fragment probe ( data not shown ) .
21 A second , minor region of contact occurs between the C-terminal end of the α -helix in protein G ( residues 42 and 38 ) and the first β -strand of the CH1 domain ( residues 128 and 126 ) .
22 An outer β -strand in the protein G domain forms an antiparallel interaction with the last β -strand in the constant heavy chain domain of the immunoglobulin , thus extending the β -sheet into the protein G. The interaction between secondary structural elements in Fab and protein G provides an ingenious solution to the problem of maintaining a high affinity for many different IgG molecules .
23 An outer β -strand in the protein G domain forms an antiparallel interaction with the last β -strand in the constant heavy chain domain of the immunoglobulin , thus extending the β -sheet into the protein G. The interaction between secondary structural elements in Fab and protein G provides an ingenious solution to the problem of maintaining a high affinity for many different IgG molecules .
24 The complex is stabilized through a network of hydrogen-bonds extending from the last β -strand in the CH1 domain ( residues 209 to 216 ) to the second β -strand in protein G ( residues 16 to 22 ) .
25 b , Stereoscopic view of the interaction between the C terminal end of the α -helix in protein G ( thin lines ) and the first β -strand in the CH domain ( thick lines ) .
26 Now you can go no , it 's uni university in the country and
27 Rather remarkable set of photographs by James Cotier of elderly Hungarians , photographed nude in the Art Deco splendour of the Gallert Turkish baths or in the artist 's studio using platinum prints .
28 Magistrates used the in loco parentis provision of the Criminal Justice Act to impel the authority to compensate the 78-year-old woman who had her bag snatched by the youth .
29 I9X incubation with the BT probe , which includes the 140k binding sites P1-P5 , also gave no obvious specific complexes ( Figure 5A , lane 13 ) .
30 And let me say in a personal capacity that if this link between my group in Europe and the trade union movement at home is important , I think the lin link between the trade union movement and the Party at home is of crucial importance .
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