Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [verb] two " in BNC.

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1 The NUS paper presented to Whitley led to the Group 's decision to allocate two re-assigned Model 30s for student computing use , as per item ( 2 ) above .
2 ( Chlorine , though , already one of the main commodity businesses when ICI began in the 1920s , still accounts for a remarkable 12% of total sales ; the proportion will be reduced by last month 's decision to shut two chlorine plants at Hillhouse , Lancashire . )
3 mum Pauline 's mum had two in less
4 The reason for this curious approach is the author 's intention to fuse two books into one .
5 Nerina 's card showed two years of B pluses and A minuses in communication studies and sociology , and then a term of Cs and Ds , and then back up to straight As .
6 The tenant 's adviser has two approaches .
7 Souness 's side missed two great chances at the start of each half , when Don Hutchison and Michael Thomas failed to convert chances .
8 So CND 's future has two stages .
9 This is a useful starting point in that Bell 's work highlights two important themes necessary to understand economic support in families : gender and class ( in particular , the distribution of income and wealth ) .
10 DSM 's work has two purposes : to attempt to solve some of the practical difficulties associated with successful restoration , such as dampness and the type of pigments used in the paintings ; and to judge some the hypotheses put forward by art historians on their scientific merit ( this is being done with the plasterwork from St Servatius ) .
11 Doyle 's team won two out of the four Championship matches in ‘ 87 ( in hindsight , a herculean achievement ) but the team lost its way at the World Cup .
12 Curators feel that much harm has been done by the museum 's failure to articulate two indisputable facts .
13 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
14 Finally , suppose that the upstream firm 's product has two uses with very different elasticities of demand .
15 ‘ Fedorov 's wife died two years ago .
16 This date may be changed as Marion 's father died two days before Christmas and Chris 's father has recently been admitted to hospital in Greenwich .
17 Ceauşescu 's policy killed two birds with one stone : on the one hand , he began the process of ridding Romania of what he considered troublesome alien minorities and earned hard currency from their new countries for the privilege ; and at the same time , he gained a reputation in the West as a ‘ good ’ communist , a man to do business with — in this case , by bartering for human beings .
18 I interviewed him when he became First Sea Lord and on one or two other occasions , and I always slightly regretted that my commitment to current affairs had prevented me from taking up Associated Rediffusion 's offer to spend two years with him , at home and abroad , researching and scripting the thirteen programmes they were planning on his Life and Times — a task subsequently and admirably performed by John Terraine .
19 The best and worst day of Jenny 's life arrived two months later .
20 However , it does not take somebody with a great imagination to think of using someone 's invention to base two of the hatter 's obsessions upon .
21 Mr Alton 's call follows two petitions signed by more than 700 parents demanding a security guard for the school and the renovation of a derelict bungalow on the site for use by a caretaker .
22 Mr Fitzwilliam 's acquittal came two weeks after Mr John Briggs , deputy chairman of engineering group Wheway , was cleared of allegations of illegal share trading .
23 Wolfgang Iser points out that Ingarden 's analysis implies two types of indeterminacy : that which is eventually eliminated in the process of ‘ realization ’ and that which is integral to the world of the text and a constitutive aspect of its status as fiction ( Iser 1978:173 ) .
24 Soon after the publication of Barro 's studies it was pointed out by Leiderman ( 1980 ) that Barro 's model embodied two important but separate hypotheses — rational expectations and what is called structural neutrality — and that it was possible to test for rational expectations separately , and then , given rational expectations , test for structural neutrality .
25 David Stirk 's effort stopped two rolls short of forcing a third extra hole .
26 The traits which make up the individual 's personality have two main sources .
27 Before the death there were up to 15 dogs in the house , as the family 's bitch produced two litters which were both kept — one set in the kitchen , and the other in a bedroom .
28 Newton 's letter contained two urgent messages :
29 The formal presentation of the reshuffled Cabinet was cancelled , however , after a boycott by members of the CSR protesting at curtailed discussion of a parliamentary commission 's report implicating two Cabinet ministers in a previous failed coup attempt .
30 Apart from the issue of reductionism , Comte 's scheme raises two other major problems .
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