Example sentences of "[modal v] well [be] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This autobiography has nothing to say of courtship , but that , as Dr Vincent has suggested , could well be because working-class autobiographers did not judge it a subject their readers wanted to know about , and many of them in any case lacked the command of an emotional language to describe their feelings .
2 Could well be because you 're looking at making sure that they , they fulfil what is a dream for you and for them .
3 It is true that removal of radiocaesium by clinoptilolite seems to be less effective than by bentonite or a hexacyanoferrate II but this may well be because a zeolitised tuff has been used ( 40–60 per cent zeolite content ) , or that the clinoptilolite used is potassium rich .
4 So one reason why many women are less easily aroused in the morning may well be because social factors are more important for them than they are for men .
5 This may well be because our western-type chairs have been introduced into their culture .
6 If their treasurers have n't yet written to you it may well be because they are busy shopping around for alternative banking services — as indeed I am .
7 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
8 There may well be because of that .
9 For this reason , this chapter also includes full-scale models of monsters and other odd creatures ; at the level of design there is often no difference at all , though there may well be when it comes to turning design into physical form .
10 You know what can be done elsewhere and how we can best utilize existing staff , it may well be as somebody has said , that I mean we 've got Rachel there , just to pick on one post , where you 're , cos it 's one I happen to know what 's she , what 's she supposed to be doing .
11 " I do n't doubt your business ability , " Henniker said tactfully , " and it may well be as you say .
12 Er and it may well be as Mr has suggested that when we look at it it is not a problem .
13 But it may well be as Mr suggested that er there 's l there 's gon na be very little difficulty there .
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