Example sentences of "[modal v] not [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 You must not admit to , negotiate on or refuse any claim unless you have permission from us .
2 You must not admit to , negotiate on or refuse any claim unless you have permission from us .
3 You must not admit to , negotiate on or refuse any claim unless you have permission from us .
4 You must not admit to , negotiate on or refuse any claim unless you have permission from us .
5 The longing for home embodies the feeling of loss not of a place , but of time , and , if I understand your teaching aright , we must not cling to it , but turn outward to the real world .
6 The newly-elected councillor must not expect to be elected to the more important committees unless he has special qualifications for any committee .
7 Regulations made under this section must not delegate to one or more members of the licensing board , or to officials or other persons , except as authorised by the Act , any responsibility which must be exercised by the licensing board at any of their meetings .
8 You must not speak to my daughter again — ever !
9 The most important thing — of course — was being seen with the right people , and the Mirza Nama opens with a salutary warning : ‘ He [ the mirza ] must not speak to every unworthy person , and should regard men of his own class as the only [ fit ] companions [ for him ] . ’
10 However , we must not leap to conclusions too hastily .
11 For strict conventionalism gives only the negative advice that judges must not pretend to be deciding such cases on legal grounds .
12 Your body must not sway to the left during the downswing .
13 We must not add to the execution of this plan — physical obstacles to moral difficulties , for it will be enough to fight through prejudice and ignorance .
14 Such feelings can , of course , be very positive but must not develop to the extent that they produce an unhealthy rivalry and competitiveness .
15 Things that she must not keep to herself .
16 In order to prevent the display from scrolling , you must not write to the last column of the last row .
17 He had to swear to obey the rules while diligently instructing the children and any others who may come to him ‘ in grammar and other human doctrine ’ , but must not read to them ‘ any corrupt or reprobate books ’ .
18 The sheriff or bailiff must not account to the execution creditor for fourteen days after sale if the judgment exceeds the prescribed sum ( currently £500 ) because under s 346(3) the sheriff or bailiff is obliged to hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee if a bankruptcy petition is presented within fourteen days of the sale of the goods and a bankruptcy order is subsequently made on that petition .
19 Your husband or wife must not object to the divorce for any reason .
20 It contained the reading at Psalm xci.5 : ‘ So yt thou shalt not nede to be afrayd for eny bugges by night .
21 Because generations of hard working and poorly-paid working people have shown enormous resilience and good humour in coping with substandard housing , polluted air , lifeless local rivers and streams and degraded surroundings , it does n't mean that efforts to improve air quality , the quality of rivers and also , no less , the quality of the surrounding landscape should not continue to be made with all the imagination and expertise the community has at its disposal .
22 Companies should not continue to be penalised by a reference to an inherent uncertainty in the auditors ' report when the directors have given it prominent and full disclosure .
23 The fact that it will rain tomorrow , for example , may mean that I should not go to London , even though the balance of reasons on the merits of my going ( i.e. all the reasons pro and con but the rain ) suggest that I should go .
24 In general , they should not go to students who have not explored all other reasonable sources of finance .
25 The question of taking pension holidays in between out of surplus is a sort of mid midway position , but er very definitely we feel strongly that money should not go to the company .
26 There is no reason why a similar notional sum should not attach to any dependent person , including children , enabling payments to be made to whoever looks after them , whether at home or in some privately or publicly organised communal arrangement .
27 However , this should not lead to any particular problem , and it can be dealt with as a normal cable break .
28 A Department of Energy spokesman said : ‘ Hopefully this should not lead to power cuts in most cases because distributors ought to be able to get supplies from other area boards . ’
29 The fact that we could only hypothesize via ‘ indicative ’ signs about the natures of things should not lead to discontent .
30 Moreover , the supporters of Morgan add , this should not lead to unmeritorious acquittals , because juries will not allow bogus defences to succeed : in Morgan itself the House of Lords was satisfied that the basis for the defence was so weak that a correctly directed jury would have found the defendants guilty .
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