Example sentences of "[modal v] not [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thou Shalt Not Spy on thy Mother 's Old Schoolfriends Parading around in the Nude .
2 Sewed my lips with hexes so I should not blaspheme against their godling …
3 In other words , might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security ?
4 The outsiders either would not or could not resort to those tactics which were thought to have assisted the establishment of the three large criminal practices characterised by an ‘ outside ’ solicitor as ‘ The Barons ’ ( Thomas and Mungham 1976 ; Smith and Thomas 1978 ) .
5 It seemed to me that you could not edge in a word ! ’ retorted Theda .
6 But Selznick knew that he could not hand over the selection process to assistants .
7 Solicitors may set up a corporate practice to practice solely outside England and Wales provided that ( a ) this is permitted by local law , ( b ) all the directors and shareholders are solicitors , lawyers of another jurisdiction or members of the Bar of England and Wales acting in accordance with the Overseas Practice Rules of the Bar and ( c ) the practice complies with the Overseas Practice Rules ; but such a company could not practice in England and Wales .
8 McAllister made up her mind ; if Eddie could not cycle to the Buildings then why should not she ?
9 But again , there is the other side to Beccaria 's version of the social contract mentioned in Chapter 1 — that we would not will for others what we would not will for ourselves — and Hart 's view that Beccaria 's position was sensitive to individual rights .
10 But again , there is the other side to Beccaria 's version of the social contract mentioned in Chapter 1 — that we would not will for others what we would not will for ourselves — and Hart 's view that Beccaria 's position was sensitive to individual rights .
11 We are not sure that Latimer 's and Ridley 's sermons would not jar on modern refinement quite as much …
12 Rebels ‘ would not hand over general ’
13 White House officials insist this is a misunderstanding ; US interest in the coup evaporated rapidly when the rebels made it clear that they would not hand over Noriega .
14 I s certainly shall not stint in my praise of the fund and I would like to add my congratulations on behalf of the government at the recognition that the charities aid foundation has granted to the fund in making it er the charity of the year this year .
15 For the purposes of calculation the term will then run from the date on which it is expressed to begin , although the tenant 's interest will not vest until the date on which the lease is actually executed ( Cadogan ( Earl ) v Guinness [ 1936 ] Ch 515 ) .
16 The chick will not imprint on objects seen after that time .
17 Today , the fact that Maxwell 's theory can give an accurate account of the behaviour of a wide range of electromagnetic systems is a generally accepted part of scientific knowledge , and assertions about the existence and properties of radio waves will not rate as novel predictions .
18 Rabbits that will not bolt from a warren must be located and killed some other way .
19 I think it was reassuring to learn that er these er er these rules and regulations will not impact on private enterprise .
20 to all er o o on both sides , erm there 's one point he made which is terrible important which is that the costs of this statutory instrument and all the guidelines and rules and regulations and orders that flow from it , will not impact onto small b business because that was the key to the deregulation bill and I wonder whether the deregulation unit has looked at this and whether it is satisfied it 's not gon na be an additional cost onto the running of small enterprise .
21 Normally the principal counsellee is a child ; but there is no reason why the process can not centre upon the problems of an older relative .
22 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
23 But mothers can not parent in a social vacuum .
24 With all the good will in the world , an Arab writer or translator can not side with this admittedly more enlightened approach to gender without sacrificing the readability of the target text .
25 One is that , if there is going to be a high level of unemployment because productivity is rising faster than output , this means that the cost of goods and services is falling fast and either consumer demand is not increasing fast enough or industry can not gear up production fast enough to create the demanded extra output .
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