Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] without " in BNC.

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1 d ) Changing conceptions of professionalism — finally , it should not pass without comment that the traditional concept of professionalism on which successive generations of solicitors have been reared was not uncommonly perceived to have been undermined by the dominant political and economic ideology of the last decade , with its emphasis on consumerism and market forces .
2 The book creates the impression that accounts are a jungle into which the untutored layman should not venture without good rations and a reliable guide .
3 The decision not to proceed with the plant follows a court ruling that the plans contravened an EC directive and that construction should not proceed without an environmental impact assessment .
4 If the proceedings are not wholly discontinued , execution may not issue without leave ( Ord 18 , r 2(2) ) .
5 But the decline in fungi has more serious implications for ancient woodlands , which , according to Philip Mason of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , " may not survive without fungi .
6 If students really want to understand a form of thought or a professional domain , they ought not to graduate without some inkling of those wider connections .
7 But the government 's bounty attracted industry that would probably not have come to Berlin otherwise , and might not stay without it .
8 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
9 There were clear lines beyond which he and the other senior figures in the Party could not go without forfeiting the support of the members and the ordinary voters and , in appearing to have countenanced the idea of an emergency coalition with the SDLP , Beattie had crossed those lines and he paid the price .
10 Then she realized that the older woman could not go without Joe to transport her , and she wondered what in earth she was to do .
11 The Old King would not do it and from then on he and his eldest son could not talk without quarrelling .
12 But those in the field , the front line could not continue without the less than glamorous work that has to be carried out back here in H Q. They also serve , who work in our offices , collect our money , keep our accounts make sure the administration is working well .
13 We then stated that we could not concur without referring the matter to our Government .
14 We then stated that we could not concur without referring the matter to our Government … "
15 I could not contemplate without alarm the idea of filling up with gloomy looking Buildings in the Gothic style , [ the ] whole of the space between Downing Street and Great George Street .
16 The Army could not function without the Women 's Royal Army corps .
17 He never ate between breakfast and sunset , but could not last without tea until the meal he clearly still found extraordinary , eaten by wax candlelight in the dining-room at an hour when all his shepherds were asleep .
18 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
19 With mid-summer approaching , it is hardly the time to reflect on winter festivals , but the success of the kids Christmas party in the canteen on 15th December could not pass without a mention .
20 In the face of unprecedented levels of unemployment , the unemployed themselves were pressing demands on the West Ham Board of Guardians for adequate levels of relief — demands that the guardians could not meet without heavy borrowing from the government .
21 The Queen became so fond of me that she could not eat without me .
22 Scott could not succeed without outside finance , and soon this was supplied by David Astor , then editor of the London Observer , who put up half the money for a new venture , the Central African Mail , which began publishing in 1960 .
23 Apart from making fun of Li Peng , the main message of the posters was that reform could not succeed without a sound education system , a view widely supported among intellectuals , especially those in the Democratic Alliance .
24 While Chancellor Kohl 's CDU-CSU alliance holds 309 of the 652 seats , far more than its closest rivals , the Social Democrats , who have 239 , it could not govern without the support of Hans Dietrich-Genscher 's FDP — which is why Genscher has managed to hold on to the post of Foreign Minister for so long .
25 Eukaryotes could not exist without bacteria , toiling away in the background ; and the lives of all organisms , including bacteria , are profoundly affected by viruses .
26 On the other hand , ‘ society could not exist without a morality which mirrored and supplemented the law 's proscription of conduct injurious to others ’ .
27 The Teleuts began to become dependent on Russian metalware but the Russians were unable to use this as a bargaining tool , since the Teleuts knew that the troops could not exist without their trade goods .
28 The high level of research interest and activity to be found in the Faculty could not exist without excellent research facilities .
29 At first I thought that Anthony Trollope , though an amusing writer , was another male author of the nineteenth century who assumed that women could not exist without a man somewhere in the vicinity .
30 It was a pity one could not invade without giving advance warnings and following the rules : it would be a pushover .
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