Example sentences of "[modal v] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No contemporary anthropologist , social or other , would want to argue that people of different culture must on that account be automatically ranked in a hierarchy superior/inferior .
2 Although he might on one level enjoy his fame and success , his own tendency to withdraw from the world turned such fame into a kind of game which he was happy to play but which he did not take altogether seriously .
3 Soldiers , psychiatrists , and priests might on this basis be classified together as social controllers ; doctors and perhaps teachers should be classified as sustainers : the proper theoretical place for them is as the maintenance engineers of labour power ; playwrights , philosophers , accountants , sociologists , and lawyers must be classified together as conceptive ideologists .
4 Once all water which contains or could on present trends contain , 50 mg/litre nitrate is designated ‘ vulnerable ’ , steps would have to be taken to reduce nitrate pollution .
5 We could on this basis begin to question the lives of many people which we would subjectively consider to be less fulfilling than our own .
6 The explanation for this can not be sought in the tenses of the verbs that the testator has used , for they are all historic with respect to the time the will was made and ought on that basis to refer to no time later than that .
7 Finally , the heterogeneous texture , the ever-changing relationships of instruments , may on one level simply suggest ‘ influence of art music ’ .
8 Temperatures during the short summer are somewhat kinder and may on some days reach 20 ° C. Nonetheless , summer or winter , this is an inhospitable environment and to be able to survive here , the mountain goat needs a special set of structural and behavioural adaptations .
9 He said the council tax bill for expensive properties would be a much smaller percentage of the house value than it would on cheaper housing where the majority of people live .
10 As this is a compact bush tomato there is no need to pinch out the side-shoots as you would on standard tomato varieties .
11 The first count of the declaration stated that the plaintiff had commenced action against the defendant in the Court of Exchequer to recover two sums of £700 and £1,300 , respectively , issue had been joined and the hearing was to take place on December 7 , 1844 ; that the defendant , on December 6 , 1844 , promised the plaintiff that , if he ( plaintiff ) would forbear prosecuting the proceedings until December 14 , the defendant would on that day pay the money with interest and costs ; that the plaintiff , relying on this promise , forbore prosecuting the action until the day named but that the defendant did not pay the money or costs .
12 The sequence of landing was planned to put the raiders ashore in a fighting formation , and although all went to plan at Stamsund , indiscipline among boats ' crews would on other occasions cause difficulties for commandos landed late or ahead of their supporting Troops .
13 And yes , that fireplace gave me as much pleasure always as I had imagined it would on first sight .
14 All information , matters and circumstances relating to the Business which are or would on reasonable enquiry be known to the Vendor and which are material to be known by a purchaser for value of the Business have been disclosed in writing to the Purchaser .
15 The phrasal appositions in , for example , [ 22 ] and [ 12 ] involve a violation of a syntactic pattern in much the same way as the epiphora in [ 24 ] , and would on these grounds be classified as a rhetorical device in a classical account .
16 This would on past experience coax the crocuses out in Hyde Park , only to be spiked by frost in a few days ' time .
17 It was not sufficient that any bystander would on those facts have realised that some injury was inevitable .
18 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
19 They examined each other and drew the conclusions people will on first acquaintance .
20 Can on that Madam Chairman ?
21 As part of the preparations for the move , we need to identify and separate the original artworks from the printed material , assess the conservation needs for this category , and list as much information as we can on each item — artist , illustration type , plant name , date .
22 But for his part , er , it looks good , er he gets lots of promotion in the erm , Iraqi press , which he controls anyway , and Iraqi television , and he comes across as a kind of , er , father of the people , who can on one hand show great severity with executions and so forth , on the other hand , dispense er justice and human feelings , and show that he really loves people in general .
23 Nah , cos right we 're just gon na say as much as can on this tape .
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