Example sentences of "[modal v] be under [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm but it it 's not just the views of the settlement which I think should be under consideration here .
2 I say the churches belong with the land , and all should be under Durham and York . ’
3 There is no necessity for the agreement for lease to be under seal as the promise to grant and accept the lease will be adequate consideration , and although it is suggested that the agreement should be under seal if one or more of the parties is a company ( to secure the presumption of due execution ) in practice this is not usually done .
4 ‘ I know Graham Taylor must be under pressure — but then I 'm under pressure . ’
5 It is almost another term for memory , but recall must be under control and should also be " instant " .
6 Clearly , outright control does indeed take place , but on a day-to-day level social stability is secured largely through people feeling that they might be under scrutiny .
7 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
8 I said you 'll be under cover and dry and then I said
9 ‘ She 'll be under sedation .
10 She 'll be under pressure to get married , and there 's no way I 'm going to get married again , ever .
11 But next year Glyndebourne will be closed so we 'll be under pressure to extend the season .
12 Whether these figures could be under siege may depend on the weather .
13 Construction is expected to begin next year and the first experiments could be under way as early as 1998 .
14 Jason Nicolle also won in four games , against Raymond Schaffer , but had to fight back from a game and 6-7 down in the second , and his place in the sudden-death phase at the weekend could be under threat from Parke .
15 PETER Scudamore 's seven-season monopoly on the champion jump jockeys ' title could be under threat , according to the bookies .
16 According to a report by Dr Chris Van Sway of the government funded Dutch Butterfly Foundation , the Netherlands has lost 15 of its 63 species and 10 more could be under threat .
17 ULSTER cattle herds could be under threat from ‘ imported ’ bovine diseases which may not show themselves for several years .
18 JOBS could be under threat at a NorthEast cigarette factory if Labour comes to power and bans tobacco advertising , a company chairman has warned .
19 All contemporary accounts suggest that eighteenth century seamen , brutal and violent as they could be under provocation , were hardly lacking in the capacity to organise in support of their claims , and by the standards of the day , to do so peaceably whenever the authorities kept their heads sufficiently to allow mediation to proceed .
20 Thus the father could be under pressure at 40 years of age , again at 50 years and finally at 60 years .
21 The French have just joined Russia in declaring that they will temporarily halt testing ; Boris Yeltsin could be under pressure to rescind Russia 's test ban in September if there has been no sign of flexibility from Britain and the US .
22 Brian 'd be under stress anyway having to move that er dust extractor quickly and he 's
23 Understandably , they 'd be under pressure to produce an accurate conversion ; you can almost hear them …
24 For example , an animal may be injured and it may be under anaesthetic ; now the welfare of an individual which is under anaesthetic because of the injury — because of the damage to it or perhaps of the reduced life-expectancy — is less good than that of an individual which is not injured .
25 An individual may be under stress from a variety of factors , possibly both internal and external , but is able to cope and is strong enough to keep the system in balance , but only just .
26 She may be under stress and reacting with a tantrum .
27 But reference to liability is valuable in that it emphasises that shareholders qua members may be under obligations to the company as well as having rights against it .
28 Certain institutions may be under threat ( as subsequent chapters will show ) but not in a manner inconsistent with the existing political culture .
29 ELECTRICITY giants Powergen say the future of a controversial coal terminal at Bootle may be under threat if proposals for new operating conditions are upheld .
30 Oxfords financial fortunes may be under scrutiny .
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