Example sentences of "[modal v] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The official receiver must in every case send a copy of the certificate to the trustee and file a copy at court ( r 6.120(5) ) .
2 People who think they 're being persecuted always think people are paying them a great deal of attention so they come to believe that they must in a sense be very important people , ’ he said .
3 Yet however suspect may be the capacity of electors in general to vote responsibly and intelligently their right to make political choices must in a democracy be respected .
4 But , at the same time this training must in no circumstances produce in them that destructive feeling of guilt , known as a ‘ guilt complex ’ .
5 The WEU must in no way be subordinate to the European Council .
6 I think they must in the van .
7 There were babies and there were children to be looked after , also Uncle Farmborough , who must in the end have become old in himself , since there was talk of my grandmother having to change his trousers .
8 This is an unreal place to be , because if you ca n't talk to other women , yet you believe all women must in the end come to separatism , then either those women have to be born separatist or they have to come to it through isolation , pain and struggle .
9 But if there is to be a new morality — new values for the new situation resulting from technological and political change in the closing years of the twentieth century — then the creation of that new morality must in the end be a joint enterprise of both women and men .
10 In the final analysis the specific method is merely a secondary affair , since any method must in the end efface itself :
11 He must in the end get his man , and do it in a way the reader will find credible .
12 It seems logical to suppose that wilder and wilder swings must in the end get out of control .
13 But a head must in the end tolerate something less than the hoped-for whole being achieved .
14 I mean you must , if you 're looking after a little girl , you must in the end , unless you 've low and detest children , or unless you 're out purely and simply for the money , I mean how can you
15 The fundamental requirement must in the end of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
16 But the fundamental requirement must in the end , of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
17 The resulting dish , which appears on page 49 , sounds filling rather than delicious , and should in no circumstances be flipped .
18 Demonstrations in the galleries were not ‘ proceedings ’ of the House and should in no circumstances be televised .
19 Probation should in no sense be seen as a soft option by the judiciary .
20 What distinguished the Court of Napoleon III was its brilliance and verve , for he was determined that it should in no way resemble the moribund courts of Europe , stifling under the weight of tradition , except in so far as etiquette and good order must prevail .
21 It is self-evident then that scientists should in no way be hampered by non-scientists in their pursuits , even when these seem to possess vague political or ‘ social-and-economic-factors ’ like the construction of nuclear bombs , the risk acceptability associated with the use of atomic reactors , nuclear waste disposal plants , new species of bacteria by means of genetic engineering , cloning , the use of fetal tissue as transplants , or brave new thoroughly modern theories on intelligence based on race .
22 Certainly these results should in no way be seen as a criticism of their teaching .
23 He told Davidson that ‘ a Socialist Government would have an opportunity of learning their administrative duties and responsibilities under favourable conditions and that it was essential that their rights under the Constitution should in no way be impaired ’ .
24 The King was particularly anxious to dispel the view expressed by Campbell Stephen and Lansbury that he was hostile to Labour ; and he told J. C. C. Davidson , a confidant of Baldwin , on 21 January after the Conservatives had been defeated in the Commons , that ‘ it was essential that their rights under the Constitution should in no way be impaired ’ .
25 No , you should in a chance with that , that 's really good I thought .
26 Now that I 'd definitely decided to welcome the baby , I 'd have to start planning with a bit more efficiency than in the past , when , so far as one could see , I had been working vaguely on the basis that God would provide ; and why the hell He should in a case like this was probably more than even the most devout believer could have told me .
27 The need is paramount : the BBC should in the run up to 1996 establish additional viewer and listener groups .
28 His ill-starred daughter , of whose birth on 8 December 1542 James heard on his deathbed , was kept at Linlithgow for seven months , by which time it had been agreed that she should in the fullness of time marry Edward , heir to Henry VIII of England .
29 I think it should in the south of England er next year or the year after , and we 'll have a number of schemes ready to go if that , that comes about .
30 They wavered and moved uncannily , glinting and shifting and burning in a heavy , solid way no thing should in the air .
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