Example sentences of "[modal v] provide [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Now that winding windows are fitted and a hardtop is offered , BMC ought to provide locks for the doors … ’
2 It must provide opportunities for social rehabilitation
3 The teacher must provide opportunities for pupils to examine the widest range of evidence , to question it and come to conclusions .
4 ( 4 ) Teachers must provide opportunities for pupils to progress to higher levels .
5 Accordingly , all authorities must provide facilities for the initial and temporary reception of children with the necessary skilled staff for observing and assessing their physical , mental and emotional condition .
6 colleges must provide facilities for staff to further their knowledge by advanced study , research , consultative work or secondment to other fields of employment .
7 The Court of Appeal held that because the principle of effective protection only required that national courts should provide remedies for the protection of European rights which were as effective as the remedies available for the protection of similar rights in English law ; and since a plaintiff can recover damages against governmental bodies in English law only if a breach of private law can be shown ; and since the challenged action would not be actionable in tort in English law ; it followed that the principle of effective protection did not require that damages be available to the plaintiff as a remedy .
8 I agree with Eldon Snyder and Elmer Spreitzer that : ‘ Like all of education , physical education should provide opportunities for students to try their hand at a variety of activities as sources of possible self-realization .
9 In the NHS these exchanges would need to include people from inner and outer London , at the very least , as outer London hospitals should provide opportunities for redeploying consultants and other staff displaced from inner London .
10 They 'll provide places for nearly three hundred pupils whose classrooms were destroyed by fire .
11 The examples given suggest a flexible scheme whereby criterion statements might be amended in the light of pupils ' difficulties and the identified difficulty factors might provide foci for teaching .
12 He was interested in the hamlets and villages on the fringe of the deer country , the cottages and the farmhouses that might provide bases for dedicated stalkers .
13 While it is reassuring to most people to learn that one of the basic building blocks of our bodies and the world we inhabit is more nearly permanent than we knew before , the latest data may provide problems for some theorists .
14 Capricorn v Lawter ( see 13.13.2 ) may provide openings for challenge on procedure .
15 But far from increasing the speed with which information is assimilated into the market and reflected in the price of the share in question , insider dealing may provide incentives for insiders to actually delay the public disclosure of valuable information .
16 This may indeed sometimes be so , but , as before , the early modern period may provide grounds for some cultural distinctions within and against the psychoanalytic project .
17 If the decision is so brief as to be inadequate , this may provide grounds for an appeal to the Commissioners , since it will amount to an error of law .
18 A proposal by France to create a whale sanctuary in the southern ocean below 40° S may provide grounds for delay .
19 The no-tax situation is not a first-best benchmark , since it may not correspond to a desired intertemporal distribution — and this may provide grounds for government intervention .
20 The group may provide guidelines for behaviour such as a professional ethic or a code of conduct .
21 Working through committees may provide opportunities for a form of participation in decision-making in an institution ( a cynical view would be that at least it may give the illusion of this ) , but by their nature committees can be introspective and restricted in their outlook .
22 By redirecting services to fully populated areas , the city could provide services for all at a cost it could afford .
23 In private practice you could provide services for large , corporate clients , or for private individuals and small businesses .
24 Primogeniture was not the inheritance system used by the bargemen for the successful bargemaster could provide openings for all his sons .
25 It was Europe on 5 October 1989 , where a vast human drama which could provide scenes for a thousand films is in progress , writes Patricia Clough .
26 A better understanding of how addictions work could provide benefits for science , for medicine and for recreation
27 SOTEAG chairman , Professor George Dunnet , said the success of Sullom Voe could provide lessons for other areas seeking to protect sensitive environments .
28 But the idea of founding fixed royal chapels in strategic places which could provide incomes for royal chaplains was already formed .
29 This general doctrine applied particularly to the Middle East because : ( 1 ) it lay on the route of any Soviet expansion into Africa ; ( 2 ) it could provide bases for a Soviet role in Africa ; ( 3 ) it formed a forward position for the defence of South Africa and India ; ( 4 ) it was a base for bombing the Soviet Union ; and ( 5 ) it was an area crucial for its oil resources .
30 These Working Groups would undertake tasks of a practical nature and they could provide opportunities for people not attracted to committee work to become involved and make a contribution .
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