Example sentences of "[modal v] try [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You ought to try taking some of them , honestly they 're so easy the exams are , like history , ah , talk about easy , spartan erm , you could G C S E , P E mum
2 If she responds favourably to this ( which , if you are wise , you will have conveyed more through your attitudes than your actual words ) , you and her other helpers should try to create various circumstances or events which may stand a chance of helping her to break the habit of mourning : an interesting holiday , perhaps , or some new and mildly challenging experience which calls for her to look beyond herself to someone else in trouble , who will make her feel ‘ needed ’ .
3 Cadbury 's financial support continued to his death as did his two stipulations : the movement should avoid politics if possible ( it was not possible ) and it should try to create Free Church parishes to end ‘ overlapping ’ between denominations ( it did so but to little effect ) .
4 But I still think you should try allowing some credibility on my side too . ’
5 If other members of the psychogeriatric team had agreed that the development officer should try to support some of these clients , or had been pressing to have them discharged , she would undoubtedly have agreed to try .
6 ‘ You should try getting more sleep . ’
7 When you think how CCW and the WTB have collaborated to agree a set of Principles for Tourism in National Parks , we should try to remain hopeful that a similar joint approach can eventually be agreed for golf courses .
8 Despite these difficulties it is essential that the therapist should try to incorporate preventive measures in his treatment .
9 Namely , he should try to answer some hard questions , one of them being formulated by Arthur C. Clarke himself : ‘ The question is not what shall we do without work — but what do we live for ? ’
10 The English were blamed , and yet Darien was one of a number of events that convinced the Lowland Scots that they should try to reach better terms with England before attempting to become independent ; in 1707 England and Scotland became united with a single government and a single Parliament , and one of the terms of the Union was that the Darien investors should be reimbursed for their losses .
11 It is important for the prosecution case to try to identify the tyre by taking the tyre or batch number which will usually be something like 824927 E , on the tyre wall in letters and figures about I cm high — in about a quarter of all checks the number is nonexistent or illegible and the police officer should try to remember other forms of identification such as marks or scratches etc. on the tyre .
12 You should try looking some time , ’ Donna said with gleeful malice .
13 It is not unreasonable that the investors should want the managers ' views on the accountants ' report , but management 's advisers should try to restrict this warranty to the facts in the report and exclude any opinions given by the accountants .
14 So I thought I should try to stop smoking and lose some weight . ’
15 People should try to think several years ahead , considering factors such as access to hospitals and choice of GPs , he suggests .
16 You should try to prevent this situation arising , possibly by exercising the dog on the leash for a day or so if it has shown a tendency to behave in this fashion in the past .
17 Although different presentation styles are appropriate to different media this is not indicated on the list and you will need to refer either to the Quick Reference Guide ( a single folder card that you should try to keep handy ) or to Chapter 20 of the User Guide — which frankly seems rather a long way in !
18 While you should try to keep most of the hinge and latch painted for appearances sake ( unless it is brass or galvanised ) , you must accept that the main working parts will rust ; so be prepared to apply regular coatings of oil or WD40 to protect them .
19 But there is no intrinsic reason why all parts of a course should try to strike that balance .
20 Going in the other direction , say from English into Arabic , a translator should try to find some way of conveying the emphasis attached to a fronted predicator .
21 You should try to develop different methods for different kinds of historical information .
22 Fresh vegetable soups also feature on some menus — but delicious as they are you should try to limit those made with cream ( such as lettuce and asparagus ) .
23 the head office of the multinational should try to establish standard methods of research , so that data collected in each country will be more readily comparable ;
24 This is the situation their digestive system has evolved to cope with , and we should try to approximate this in the aquarium if possible .
25 If the patient can walk , but your steps have no handrails , you should try to have secure rails fitted , preferably on both sides of the steps .
26 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
27 If there is no improvement , then you should try eliminating all the other suspect foods that you have listed .
28 Because of the rather uncertain link between money supply and aggregate demand , Keynesians argue that the government should try to influence aggregate demand directly through fiscal policy .
29 If the investor is to syndicate , the management and its advisers should try to play some part in the selection of additional investors ; if an additional director is to be appointed by the syndicate , that director ought to be selected for the experience and talent he can bring to Newco .
30 ( He also thinks we should try to play less football , which I do n't agree with ) .
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