Example sentences of "[modal v] know [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Coaches ought to know what the children should be practising .
2 Perhaps I ought to know what the scenario was .
3 A woman may know what a man 's intentions are towards her , long before he does himself , and can ‘ pick up ’ emotional inclinations which he has not yet recognized .
4 He said , , he got the strap out of the desk , about three or four , you must know what a strap is do n't you ?
5 The intending patient must know what the Centre was about , the challenges that would be met , the changes to one 's life that might well be necessary .
6 While doing housework they are responsible for children and must know what the children are doing : while looking after children they are almost always involved in housework activities .
7 Those who transact business in London must know what the rules are .
8 One mother in Walton village said a parent must know who the two youths are from the pictures taken by security cameras .
9 Until then she must know his every move .
10 Some of these chemicals do n't mix with water and this is why I did mention COSHH because they are working in er conditions and with chemicals that probably do n't mix with water , but you should know what the buffer is , yeah ?
11 He is resigned to missing out on any serious rugby during this month , but by early October he should know what the season holds for him .
12 If you do it that way , you know , by the time they get there they should know what the questions are should n't they ?
13 If you 've ever pushed a bicycle with a flat tyre you 'll know what a slow and awkward job it is .
14 If so , you 'll know what a bind it can be to remove the mushroom cover and clear the blockage .
15 So you 'll know what the others have already said
16 erm so erm yeah so , so you know kind of get in touch with the people whose work you 've missed and , and er , you know , er so at least they , when it , you know , when it does arrive they 'll know what the circumstances are so er
17 You , you know that paper I showed you the , the reason that we 're making these recordings , it says so er words , so the normal words go on the state about and so they 'll know , they 'll know what the language was , why , in the nineteen nineties
18 They 'd know what a baby he was .
19 If there were only a few , each could know what the others were doing and all would be aware of being watched .
20 ‘ I doubt if they would know what the bloody hell you were talking about .
21 Could it be he understood them too well , and would know what the discrepancy meant ?
22 ‘ And the places that knew them shall know them no more . ’
23 Ah , the time has come , my friends , ’ he informed William and Joe , ‘ that the world shall know what an artiste it has in Auguste Didier and I shall begin with your whiting , messieurs . ’
24 By the end of this week we shall know what the Labour Party no longer stands for , such as unilateral nuclear disarmament and full-scale nationalisation ; but what , in essence , does it stand for ?
25 But by tomorrow evening , I think , I shall know what the quality of life is — shall perhaps even have discovered how it killed Summerchild .
26 He remembereth that we are but dust , the days of man are but grass for he flourishes as a flower of the field , for as soon as the wind goes over it , it is gone and the thereof shall know it no more .
27 Anyone who has been walking across grassland and has nearly trodden on a hare , will know what a shock it is when the animal suddenly leaps up and darts off .
28 Anyone who has ever participated in a voluntary organisation , youth work or parents ' association will know what a central place is taken by jumble sales and selling raffle tickets ( see Table 9.1 ) .
29 Anyone who saw her sketchbook exhibition will know what a fine display these made alongside her paintings .
30 If you come from a certain town or region , you will know what the different voices mean better than someone who comes from outside because you 've learned the code .
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