Example sentences of "[modal v] make [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His intention is to experience an ‘ as if ’ context — in a game two friends may agree to behave as if they are opponents ; in drama two friends may make exactly the same agreement .
2 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
3 We have seen how millions of fossils may make up the rocks themselves , crammed together layer after layer to form formations thousands of feet thick .
4 Conversely , if you are building up to a competition and wish to greatly increase your fitness and endurance , the FDR should be very intense and should make up a large part of your training .
5 Using a wedding bouquet as an example , and assuming that you are either attending the function or collecting the bouquet afterwards , you should make up a simple box , such as the one shown in the photograph .
6 Mono-unsaturates ( MUFAs ) should make up the largest proportion of fats consumed .
7 ‘ Three or four goes should make up the mind for her , ’ said Raimundo evilly , as Perdita picked herself up off the dusty ground .
8 It did , however , recommend the immediate closure of the two oldest of Sosnovy-Bor 's four reactors , and suggested that nearby Western states should make up the energy shortfall to enable this to take place .
9 I ask whether with the above words he has entrusted to Pamphilus that after his death he should make over a hundred to the sons of the deceased .
10 He replied that on the facts as stated it did not appear , at least so far as the testator 's words were concerned , that it was entrusted to Pamphilus that he should make over a hundred .
11 Another letter is being sent to every club president , but suggestions that the SRU should make public the names of offenders and their sentences have been rejected .
12 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
13 As Millett J. observed in In re Tucker ( A Bankrupt ) [ 1988 ] 1 W.L.R. 497 , 502B , the plaintiff must make out a sufficiently strong case to justify his being given leave .
14 You must make quite a lot of money — ’
15 You must make about a hundred times more than you need .
16 You have to say you ca n't do that I 'll make up a new game to play .
17 Erm I 'll make up a spreadsheet with twenty five or thirty blank columns , but with all the formulas in place
18 I 'll make up a bed in one of the other rooms tonight .
19 ‘ We 'll make up the time , I promise . ’
20 ‘ I 'll make up the fire , Miss , and bring up some more coals — ’
21 If you are n't find an old fashioned TV repair shop and ask them if they 'll make up the leads for you .
22 And pay her back so it 'll make up the up to one thirty .
23 Today the man in charge outlined the sort of people who 'll make up the bulk of the 450-strong workforce .
24 Our case studies [ see Chapter 7 ] have shown that these might make up a not unimportant share of the temporary labour force .
25 This example was meant to illustrate the unexpected links that might make up a chain of natural interactions , but it is significant that no experimental work was done to test the idea .
26 So we thought we might make up a party from the parish and go to Rome . ’
27 They might make quite a thing of it .
28 Ditherers and mums-the-worders who 'd make even the fossilised Football Association Council look like a Brains Trust .
29 She could make up a story , say she suffered temporary amnesia , or that she was knocked unconscious by thieves and all her money was gone , but she doubted she could make it sound believable .
30 You could make up a whole story .
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