Example sentences of "[modal v] go on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a sense I suppose , er what DeKlerk 's government has demonstrated is that they are trying as it were to be impartial and not allow political considerations to influence their judgement about whether Mrs Mandela should go on trial .
2 The money should go on patient care , not bureaucracy , he said .
3 ‘ Perhaps we should go on holiday ? ’
4 Oh , by the way , the game should go on sale just in time for Chrimble …
5 Stop press announcement : this weekend tickets should go on sale for The Rye 's concert at Doc 's Orders in Darlington on March 27 .
6 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
7 they decide that the Bower-bird must go on trial .
8 we 'll go on holiday
9 So I thought whoa , I 've got July , it 's going to be a bad month this year , so what I 'll do , I 'll go on holiday in July too .
10 ‘ I think I 'll go on home , ’ I tell him .
11 ‘ I said , ‘ Bye darling — see you the week after next and she said maybe , I might go on holiday ’ . ’
12 I would have thought that we might go on holiday , well going on quite a long holiday , we 're going on holiday after the project video 's completed , so it 'll be Christmas for me
13 The president , Cory Aquino , confirmed weeks of rumour on March 21st when she said that the ban on Mrs Marcos would be lifted so that she could go on trial in Manila , but only when the government had decided what to charge her with .
14 I thought I 'd go on board and talk to Sabine .
15 Soon did they soon take up enough he used to go on board with his book and get it signed by the mate or the er captain of the ship .
16 Cos when , when he was down at Andy 's Aerials I think he used to go on foot to the post office every week .
17 THERE is good news for those blazered types who used to go on ocean cruises and play blustery games of deck golf , hitting balls into the briny .
18 We used to go on holiday at this time but I think maybe the sun will do him a world of good .
19 I had three a year and of course in between times you go we had quarter fare if we want to go anywhere , you see and er of course it was the old money in those days and I would come from Ipswich to see my parents here for sixpence halfpenny then and er , you see , I used to go on holiday alone .
20 Yes , if I can just interject something here which I think is rather striking , when one used to go on holiday on the Continent , going to church was at the same time a bewildering an exciting experience because you could n't understand what was going on .
21 I was a part-time fire-woman and we used to go on duty as soon as we left work at night .
22 The 40,000 exhibits , covering 1,500 years , may go on display again in Yorkshire
23 If there 's any left after members and voucher-clutchers have got theirs , and after season ticket holders have claimed an extra ticket for a guest of their choice , they may go on sale next week .
24 ‘ We have 30 men who are working from 6am to 11pm and most of the extra payments we would expect to receive may go on overtime . ’
25 So let's go on home eh ? ’
26 When the Broadway productions finished , sometimes entire shows would go on tour .
27 In line with Arts Council thinking , he said a large proportion would go on capital expenditure : ‘ We want to leave some heritage behind us , too ’ .
28 ‘ The noise was unbearable , it would go on day and night .
29 At home the young Kylie , with kid sister Danielle and brother Brendan , would go on family outings , often to the movies .
30 On completion the project would go on display at Burns garage for a while and then be used to try and generate more interest in aviation in the area .
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