Example sentences of "[modal v] not [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thou Shalt Not Spy on thy Mother 's Old Schoolfriends Parading around in the Nude .
2 The motion goes on to say that sponsored MPs should not pair with erm Conservatives .
3 Sewed my lips with hexes so I should not blaspheme against their godling …
4 Should n't people of all races and nationalities be welcomed by a caring country ? ’
5 In other words , might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security ?
6 The outsiders either would not or could not resort to those tactics which were thought to have assisted the establishment of the three large criminal practices characterised by an ‘ outside ’ solicitor as ‘ The Barons ’ ( Thomas and Mungham 1976 ; Smith and Thomas 1978 ) .
7 His mother the dowager Queen Isabella survived until 1358 and if she could transmit title to Edward III , why could not Jeanne of Navarre , Louis X 's daughter , or any of the daughters of Philip V do likewise ?
8 It seemed to me that you could not edge in a word ! ’ retorted Theda .
9 But Selznick knew that he could not hand over the selection process to assistants .
10 Solicitors may set up a corporate practice to practice solely outside England and Wales provided that ( a ) this is permitted by local law , ( b ) all the directors and shareholders are solicitors , lawyers of another jurisdiction or members of the Bar of England and Wales acting in accordance with the Overseas Practice Rules of the Bar and ( c ) the practice complies with the Overseas Practice Rules ; but such a company could not practice in England and Wales .
11 McAllister made up her mind ; if Eddie could not cycle to the Buildings then why should not she ?
12 I found that I could say things with colour and shapes that I could n't day in any other way — things that I had no words for .
13 understand the meaning behind the sentence but you could n't word for word .
14 There was four routes there now and we had as many as ten buses operating those four , so it meant they were left , you could n't sort of segregate them .
15 So that meant that he was he could n't sort of do a heavy heavy work so he just used to do odd job things you know , he 'd sell horse and carts and er he 'd go down to the pier when he used to do the fishing boats , he used to come in and he 'd buy a box of fish from them and go round the streets selling them you know .
16 you know was that they 'd got results which they could n't sort of like apply
17 books , and you could n't sort of swop the
18 Yes , I just wondered if they could n't sort of do a , a deal , you know to get them by air , the only thing about it is if they got to sort of
19 Yeah you could n't sort of get at any where near him to start with .
20 and she er she could n't sort of feel guilty about it
21 The thing is , you ca n't really , you could n't sort of see this jagged mess .
22 All very well , but could n't people like the Kaufmanns have done rather more to undermine the evil regime that had their country in its grip ?
23 I could n't caddie for him because I was with the central-heating men .
24 But I , I dare n't sort of do nothing cos that 's gon na upset our Joe if I do .
25 Would not others from needy backgrounds expect the same ?
26 But again , there is the other side to Beccaria 's version of the social contract mentioned in Chapter 1 — that we would not will for others what we would not will for ourselves — and Hart 's view that Beccaria 's position was sensitive to individual rights .
27 But again , there is the other side to Beccaria 's version of the social contract mentioned in Chapter 1 — that we would not will for others what we would not will for ourselves — and Hart 's view that Beccaria 's position was sensitive to individual rights .
28 We are not sure that Latimer 's and Ridley 's sermons would not jar on modern refinement quite as much …
29 Rebels ‘ would not hand over general ’
30 White House officials insist this is a misunderstanding ; US interest in the coup evaporated rapidly when the rebels made it clear that they would not hand over Noriega .
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