Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
2 Alternatively , it may only be when family relationships are poor that the inherited predisposition is likely to lead to schizophrenia .
3 This must obviously be because of MOD publicity restrictions .
4 Well that only should only be because erm the bin 's going to be soiled .
5 He made 829 runs in four matches ( he missed the Lord 's Test through illness ) in 1976 , which was statistically his best performance , and if he has never made quite so many since that must just be because of the demands , physical and psychological , of playing so much top cricket .
6 First , that the appeal with which the Board is concerned is that brought by special leave from the decision of Barnett J. Secondly , whilst their Lordships fully understand why the Court of Appeal should have wished to state its opinion on the questions argued , any observations concerning the merits of an appeal which should not be before the court must necessarily be extra-judicial .
7 And I was trying to grasp , in terms of this distinction , the significance of Philonous 's insistence , in Berkeley 's dialogue , that material things are ‘ senseless beings ’ , It struck me that Berkeley 's argument must really be as follows :
8 Well that should n't be when it 's his cheque should it .
9 13.3.2 by or to the Tenant may be given or made by or to the Tenant 's solicitors on behalf of the Tenant The only point to make is to ensure that any notices to be served on the tenant will be certain to be received , which they may not be if served at the premises .
10 If I do n't make a Will , then the distribution of what you possess when you die may not be as you would wish .
11 The text needs to be watched closely for all may not be as it seems at first .
12 Wishes can of course be fulfilled or remain unfulfilled and things may or may not be as people with certain attitudes would like , but it would be thoroughly misleading to speak of truth or falsehood here .
13 Vivienne Peters , chief executive of the Telecommunications Users Association , believes that Mercury 's reticence may not be because of problems with the trial , but because it wants to keep the plan under wraps in the fear that British Telecommunications Plc will try to steal its thunder by pre-launching a similar service .
14 In the confined environment of pre-school life the infant may have appeared to be progressing normally , and it may not be until an objective screening test is given that the sight problem is recognised .
15 However , puberty affects values and beliefs so much that it may not be until the mid-twenties that we can ask realistically what career priorities a person has .
16 A strong gatekeeper role will limit sales access to influencers and decision takers in the way laid down by company policy , and it may not be until that policy is changed that an individual supplier may be permitted sales access to present his wares .
17 That may just be Cos you 've got good circulation , in fact , down here .
18 It 'll only be after I 've m met a few people and photographed them well , that maybe my name will be start to be mentioned around That is another reason for courting the Trade 's Council and any other councillors that come in .
19 it 'll only be until I should think erm next Tuesday will be the last batch , cos we 've got these bank holidays fortunately in the , in the way where I T still work but we do n't and so they 're gon na fix , they 'll carry on fixing it over the weekend .
20 It was true that she worried more about her mother now she was living near by than she had when she was living in the Tuscan hills , but that might only be because of the possibility that she would call without warning .
21 At some point or other , though Jack has never discussed the possibility in public , he appears to have suspected that all might not be as it seemed in the Nicholson household .
22 If you have entered many competitions and never won a thing , this might not be because your work is poor .
23 If they say no , it might not be because they do n't like the sound of it but because their lists are already full and they are unable to take on any more .
24 It might not be cos you might have got the formula wrong and you 've got every one of them wrong but it 's usually a good sign .
25 Christ , it might even be when he was driving !
26 This variation might either be because these forms are tied in some way to a particular kind of context and so are not freely transferable , or because the second context imposes inhibiting conditions which prevent learners from accessing and applying what they know .
27 And there 's nowhere he 'd rather be than back in his native Enniskillen — where he can unashamedly lead life at a crawling pace .
28 They decided that it could only be because Joan 's health was so poor in the fens that the professor was forced to move .
29 He assumed that this could only be because he was one of the possibles .
30 It could only be because they had something to hide .
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