Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The ends may eventually fray and split into layers : split ends .
2 Indeed , the trend towards business support may eventually undermine and replace programmes intended to provide social , physical or economic investment for more depressed localities .
3 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel any information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonable able to give to the Panel .
4 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel any information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonably able to give to the Panel .
5 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel and information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonably able to give to the Panel .
6 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel and information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonably able to give to the Panel .
7 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel and information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonably able to give to the Panel .
8 Under the terms of the guidance note we may also be obliged to supply to the Panel and information , books , documents or other records concerning the transaction which the Panel may properly require and otherwise render all such assistance as we are reasonably able to give to the Panel .
9 These covenants may be : ( a ) absolute — where the tenant agrees not to assign or sublet at all ; or ( b ) qualified — where the tenant may only assign or sublet with the consent of the landlord ; or ( c ) fully qualified — as in ( b ) but the landlord may not withhold consent unreasonably .
10 WHEREAS the Authors have assigned the copyright in the Work to the Company together with all future copyright arising in connection with the Work whatsoever , and have also given the Company full authority to negotiate the exploitation of the Work ( including the re-assignment of copyright ) on such terms as the Company may so decide and
11 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
12 In this series of articles we examine the performance profiles of a range of applications so that you may better define and refine your system .
13 This is why snakes can shed their skins and pursue a new start in life , while men are condemned to the one covering which must eventually wither and die .
14 If the computer is slow , the mail message should eventually appear and PI will then continue with its normal operation .
15 Tonight it seemed to me that Mrs Browning had still not recovered from her fear , and I suggested that I should perhaps stay and see her into bed .
16 Bones should constantly renew and rebuild themselves … in osteporosis this does n't happen and the bone structure breaks down .
17 … the work done should not simply start from the book , but should constantly return and refer to it , … much of the work , including writing , should involve small group work and … books should involve us in ‘ improvising upon representatives of reality ’
18 Strange that this bird sits there and sings While we must only sit and plan Who are so much the higher things — The murder of our fellow man …
19 must only eat or drink in areas of your office designated by your manager ;
20 Where a plaintiff claims aggravated , exemplary or provisional damages the particulars of claim must so state and the facts relied on must be pleaded ( Ord 6 , r 1B ) .
21 If punishment is to be inflicted , it is surely better that the punishment should directly benefit the victim or society than that it should merely hurt or restrict the offender .
22 Yeah because our uncle also wants to so they did n't know whether they should all go and get or whatever I do n't know .
23 I think a , that there 's another point that we should all remember and that is that it should n't just be our opinion either , we are sort of told from high certain things
24 However , when I did the calculation , I found , to my surprise and annoyance , that even nonrotating black holes should apparently create and emit particles at a steady rate .
25 It is not surprising that such symbolism should unconsciously echo or evoke those infantile structures of representation through which identities and differences are first negotiated and invested with a sense of mastery , or that these models should be reproduced in the way racism is itself conceptualized .
26 There is no restriction on age , but nominees must not hold or have held professorships in the British Isles .
27 ( 11 ) The buyer must not acquire or dispose of shares ( or rights over shares ) in the target during the tender offer period other than pursuant to the tender offer .
28 They must not underspend or overspend , and must regularize the volume of books received so that the processing departments have an even flow of work throughout the year .
29 Certainly if you have to create anything other than mild pain in order to stop your thoughts you must not continue but rather find an alternative technique of distraction .
30 You must not smoke nor drink nor chew
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