Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] any time " in BNC.

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1 Should at any time the muscles feel fatigued , ‘ shake out ’ the arms .
2 One of the most fundamental is that the pain syndromes as described should at any time actually respond to opioids .
3 But Douglas , concerned about numbers , was against any diminution of their main assembly which might at any time be faced with confronting Balliol 's entire army .
4 Crude threats to withdraw advertising might at any time have been counter-productive .
5 But it was clearly possible that W. might at any time decide to refuse consent to some form of treatment , even if it was only the oral administration of medicines , because one of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa is a desire by the sufferer to ‘ be in control ’ and such a refusal would be an obvious way of demonstrating this .
6 The wife had then deserted the husband and was temporarily wrongfully away from home ; but she might at any time return .
7 FIMBRA was entitled at its discretion from time to time to make spot checks on companies subject to its regulatory umbrella and therefore the details of the businesses carried out by the company might at any time have become known to it .
8 The Old Pretender could at any time become a menace if taken up by England 's enemies .
9 The agreement provided that the piano would become the property of the customer on payment of all the instalments of rent but that he could at any time before then terminate the hiring by returning the piano to the dealer .
10 This means that , strictly speaking , banks could at any time increase their lending quite sharply provided they were happy to incur the risk in so doing .
11 Their agreement also stated that the landlord could at any time use the rooms or permit other persons to use the rooms together with the " licensee " .
12 He could at any time have obtained for himself the beneficial enjoyment of the whole income .
13 Or it may simply have been that he was hiding : that his confused sexuality could at any time have brought him down .
14 If the Society shall at any time convert the Garden into buildings for habitations or to any other uses , save such as are necessary for a physic Garden , for the culture , planting and preserving of trees , plants and flowers , and such like purposes , then it shall be lawful for Sir Hans Sloane , his heirs and assigns to enter upon the premises and to hold the same for the use and benefit and in trust for the said president , Council and Fellows of the Royal Society , subject to the same rent and to the delivery of specimens of plants .
15 if the other party shall at any time be in default under this Agreement and shall fail to remedy such default within 30 ( thirty ) days from receipt of notice in writing from the first party specifying such default
16 ( 6 ) If the company shall not within the period limited for acceptance find a Purchaser or Purchasers willing to purchase all the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice the Proposing Transferor shall at any time within [ three ] months after the Directors have so confirmed their inability to him in writing be at liberty to transfer the Shares to any person not being a Member but capable of being a Member under these Articles on a bona fide sale at any price not being less than the Prescribed Price but in that event the Directors may , in their absolute discretion , decline to register any such transfer of any Share and shall not be required or bound to state the reason for any refusal .
17 ( 6 ) If the company shall not within the period limited for acceptance find a Purchaser or Purchasers willing to purchase all the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice the Proposing Transferor shall at any time within [ three ] months after the Directors have so confirmed their inability to him in writing be at liberty to transfer the Shares to any person not being a Member but capable of being a Member under these Articles on a bona fide sale at any price not being less than the Prescribed Price but in that event the Directors may , in their absolute discretion , decline to register any such transfer of any Share and shall not be required or bound to state the reason for any refusal .
18 Whatever its origin , however , there will at any time be some such ratio which banks will wish to observe .
19 At one point , the prospectus states : ‘ A Water Service Company may at any time require the Director General to determine whether , and if so how , K should be changed where other circumstances which would not have been avoided by prudent management action , have a substantial adverse effect on its water or sewerage business . ’
20 In respect of any claim or series of claims for which this cover provides an indemnity to an Insured Person against his/her legal liability , the Insurer may at any time pay to the Insured Person the limit of indemnity after deduction of any sum(s) already paid as compensation or any lesser amount for which such claim(s) can be settled , and upon such payment being made , the Insurer shall relinquish the conduct and control of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim(s) except for payment of costs and expenses recoverable or incurred prior to the date of such payment .
21 Standing Orders of the House thus provide that any Member ( although it will usually be a Member of the government ) may at any time in any debate move ‘ that the question now be put ’ .
22 DW may at any time replace , modify , alter , improve , enhance or otherwise change the Program .
23 To pay all rates taxes assessments charges and outgoings which now are or may at any time hereafter be imposed assessed or charged upon the premises whether payable by the owner or occupier thereof
24 The official receiver may at any time after the bankruptcy order has been made and before the discharge of the bankrupt apply to the court for the public examination of the bankrupt ( s 290(1) ) .
25 The trustee may at any time give notice to a secured creditor that he proposes at the end of twenty-eight days to redeem the security at the value placed upon it by the creditor in his proof .
26 Moreover , it may at any time be varied or revoked by an ordinary resolution even if that involves an alteration of the articles .
27 Under section 224 a company may at any time before the end of nine months from the date of its incorporation give notice to the Registrar specifying what its accounting reference date is to be .
28 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us seven days notice in writing and returning to us your certificate of motor insurance.h Then we will calculate the charge for the expired portion of your insurance , using our short period rates , to the date we receive your certificate and refund any amount due to you .
29 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us seven days notice in writing .
30 The Corporation may at any time pay to the Policyholder under Section A of this Policy in connection with any claim or series of claims in respect of which the limit for any one accident in respect of one occurrence or all occurrences of a series consequent on or attributable to one source or original cause is applicable the amount of such limit ( after deduction of any sum or sums already paid as compensation ) or any lesser amount for which such claim or claims can be settled and upon such payment being made the Corporation shall relinquish the conduct of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim or claims except for the payment of costs and expenses of litigation recoverable from or incurred by the Policyholder in respect of matters prior to the date of payment .
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