Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] place [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So training must take place with this time period in mind .
2 Experience in Leeds suggests that intervention must take place at an early stage in order to be effective .
3 Appropriate action must take place at once — you are dealing with realities , not wish-fulfilment , so you should be able to be sympathetic but firm .
4 While this is not insignificant ( a weakness of the lecture or the teacher-directed lesson is that it must take place at a pre-set time irrespective of student readiness ) it is hardly Liberty Hall .
5 The celebration must take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. , and must be preceded by a publication of banns or the obtaining of a Registrar 's certificate or a Bishop 's or Registrar 's licence , and unless a special licence is obtained from the Archbishop of Canterbury , must take place in a recognized place of worship or Registrar 's office situate in the district in which one at least of the parties resides .
6 Whatever the circumstances an open and frank discussion must take place between the new employee and her manager at the earliest opportunity .
7 As there is no real dollar clearing and settlement system outside the USA , all euro-dollar transactions/settlements must take place through banks in New York using their clearing house system .
8 I think particularly of consultation on change , which must take place under the social charter but which has not been observed .
9 The first review must take place within 24 hours , and preferably within 12 hours if you are not to spend a lot of time later in resurrecting the item and trying to remember it .
10 The first meeting of the committee must take place within three months of its establishment and thereafter within twenty-one days of a request for a meeting by a member of the committee or on the date previously resolved by the committee for a further meeting ( r 6.153(2) ) .
11 The conduct must take place within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused the sensations in question ; does this mean that the conduct must actually be seen or heard by the person whom it is intended to offend ?
12 It became clear from the Government 's autumn statement that pressure on public expenditure is likely to get worse rather than better for the foreseeable future , and that any developments must take place within such a framework .
13 The decomposition of observed unemployment rates into their classical and Keynesian parts can only serve as a first step in the formulation of macroeconomic policy since such an exercise must take place within a broader framework which encompasses concepts such as short- and long-run Phillips curves , the natural unemployment rate , and NAIRU .
14 These elections must take place in a clean and decent way so that our revolution is not tarnished . ’
15 The celebration must take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. , and must be preceded by a publication of banns or the obtaining of a Registrar 's certificate or a Bishop 's or Registrar 's licence , and unless a special licence is obtained from the Archbishop of Canterbury , must take place in a recognized place of worship or Registrar 's office situate in the district in which one at least of the parties resides .
16 We have stressed that the complex reactions of organic chemistry that are the processes and machinery of life , must take place in a watery medium .
17 A demonstration is only part of the teaching process ; the rest , such as the presentation and analysis of the theoretical knowledge on which the procedures are based , the teaching and practice of necessary skills , the evaluation of the procedures , and extension work such as the construction of contingency plans for related but different emergencies , must take place in follow-up sessions .
18 Of course , if the migrating Alu sequences are to spread to succeeding generations of animals , this cycle must take place in the cells that give rise to the sperm or eggs .
19 The marriage must take place in a registered place of worship ( church , synagogue etc. ) or district register office , using an authorised religious or civil ceremony .
20 The ceremony must take place in front of two witnesses over the age of 18 .
21 Both certificates are valid for three months and the ceremony must take place in the district where notice has been given .
22 ‘ This must take place in the early hours of the morning in order that the narcotic is delivered at a time when there is little public activity .
23 The court stated : ‘ The copyright law is governed by the principle of territoriality , which means that in order for German law to apply , at least a portion of the auction must take place in Germany ’ .
24 One of the least anticipated results of this working out of opinions , morals , and institutions under the guidance of positive philosophy , is the development which must take place in the modes of expressing them .
25 On the other hand , if two components are to relate in some way to provide a desired function , it must take place in an intersection zone ( which includes touching areas — zones of zero depth or wholly inserted spaces ) .
26 The provision of the services already described is important , but this must take place in a society that fully accepts the implications of disability , otherwise the disabled feel they are rejected and discriminated against .
27 If the McKinsey-GE matrix is to be similarly interpreted as a guide to the movement of the group 's interests through time , one must assume that a substantial amount of investment must take place in the bottom left-hand corner of the grid in order to build future ‘ stars ’ .
28 However , one must not use the McKinsey grid in a deterministic way and infer that most investment must take place in ‘ stars ’ .
29 A disadvantage , from the policeman 's perspective , is that the offence must take place in a public as opposed to a private place .
30 Communication between leader and follower must take place in as many dimensions as there are levels of maturity to be considered .
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