Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though it is often suggested that Metastrongylus may transmit some of the porcine viruses , and may enhance the effect of viruses already present in the lungs , the role of the worm is not conclusively proven .
2 This afternoon 's game may answer some of these questions .
3 The Government response to the Genn study for the Lord Chancellor 's Department may answer some of these questions .
4 Artificial selection may circumvent some of these difficulties .
5 You think Newark 's bad , you ought to see some of the police stations in Nottingham .
6 If Zbo did rescue some of the earlier work , that may explain some of the muddle about the authenticated chronology of Modigliani 's work .
7 More accurate measurement of the risk factors may explain some of the remaining differences in sickness absence but other factors , as yet unrecognised , are likely to be important .
8 Figure 16–3 implies that cutting income tax rates may eliminate some of the deadweight burden of distortionary taxation , but governments should probably expect their tax revenue to decline if such policies are put into effect .
9 Such issues may include some of those discussed in Chapter 4 , such as waiting-room queues , staff shortages , poor facilities or personality clashes .
10 The stress of being a ‘ social outcast ’ may outweigh some of the benefits of a totally pure , wholefood diet , so it is often necessary come to a compromise over such matters , as Owen 's parents decided to do .
11 Where the original text exploits typographical variety , a text reproduced in one type-face may lack some of the quality of the original .
12 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
13 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
14 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
15 In theory at least , a more open defence market should expose some of these hidden costs .
16 Some would be quite funny I should think some of the comments we 're making !
17 My yesterday and said that well my cousin said they 've got ta pay twenty pounds but my friend said there is a those who could n't pay I du n no whether it 'll do any good but I should think some of them
18 You must know some of these words ?
19 16.34 The texts used should include some of the following : guide books , consumer reports , text books , sets of instructions and manuals , stage directions , brochures , forms , contracts , information leaflets from a variety of sources , the highway code , publicity materials , newspapers and magazines , dictionaries , thesauruses , atlases , and encyclopaedias .
20 Since this is an assumption taken for granted by a good deal of modern criticism , we should consider some of the objections that can be made against the New Critics ' arguments in its favour .
21 Just as men had at some remote date in the past surrendered some of their individual rights to a sovereign and thus created civil society , so now each State must surrender some of its sovereignty to a supranational authority .
22 ‘ Then you must yield some of it to others .
23 Apart from crude measures of test and exam results , schools have no equivalent ; appraisal of what happens in classrooms must include some of the quality-control functions .
24 It 's ironic that events up the A19 should steal some of the thunder from Ayresome Park , home of the North-East 's team of the season .
25 The medical neglect of psychosomatic illness and hypochondria must shoulder some of the blame in such situations , because the stigma attached to these disorders owes much to doctors ' negative attitudes .
26 For a while it looked as if pity would be in order for Nadeem Shahid , and for that your correspondent must shoulder some of the blame .
27 That must give some of the girls a shock — a pleasant one , perhaps . ’
28 Come , we must choose some for you to take back with you .
29 Such a sensible approach should ease some of the pain .
30 " Relative prominence " implies that for us to have a rhythmic response to a piece of language we must perceive some of its constituents as strong and some as weak relative to each other .
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