Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] you [det] " in BNC.

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1 We may lend you any amount from £500 to £10,000 ( in units of £10 ) and , in certain circumstances , may advance 100% of the cost , although we normally expect you to make some contribution from your savings .
2 ’ . Your councillor is your elected representative and should grant you some of his/her time .
3 I should think you both deserved a restful time .
4 I must show you this blind .
5 These examples should give you some idea of how to approach your own list of foods .
6 ‘ That should give you some idea of the beauties of County Galway , ’ she added .
7 But the company 's parent is the American Mark IV Audio group , whose brands include Electro-Voice and Gauss , so that should give you some idea of the league in which they really play .
8 I think I should give you some general information about Lilliput .
9 Two-thirds of it is about The Beatles , with the last twenty years condensed into a hundred pages , which should give you some idea of how interesting that portion of his life is .
10 Look at the pictures on this page : they should give you some ideas , but you should also think of your own .
11 No less than five of the seven members of this new Australian band contribute percussion , which should give you some idea of the general musical drift .
12 Two-thirds of it is about The Beatles , with the last twenty years condensed into a hundred pages , which should give you some idea of how interesting that portion of his life is .
13 There ya go Mark , that should give you enough ammo for a good few months yet : - ) )
14 I must call you that .
15 I must call you that .
16 So perhaps I felt I must tell you all this , now , before I know you better , so that I can tell it you without too much confusion .
17 But now we must tell you some things about the Baskerville family . ’
18 If his employer 's scheme has ‘ contracted out ’ , they must pay you half his guaranteed minimum pension , and the state makes up the difference .
19 The glam factor alone should tell you that .
20 ‘ I do n't think I should tell you that . ’
21 It 's also double-bound in white plastic , which should tell you that Fender have simplified production by using the exact same bodies you 'd find on the ‘ 62 rosewood-neck reissues .
22 Not , ’ he added wryly , ‘ that I should tell you that .
23 Comments in that should tell you that is retired .
24 I should tell you that er , the budget really represents er , an increase in the availability of police resources over the previous years .
25 But one look at the uniform blankness of expression on the faces of the ‘ crowd ’ should tell you all you need to know .
26 ‘ Very well , if you insist , ’ he replied , then , turning to David , he said , ‘ I must compliment you all on your efficiency and your bravery here today . ’
27 We should warn you that next March 12th another police constable will be on foot duty in Convent St. , and should he notice a repetition of your behaviour , we shall have to consider the possibility of taking even more stringent action than we have on this occasion .
28 who have , well in fact , I must ask you this would you , would you like to have a gun ? , button one for yes , button two for no , I 'll tell you my own view on this after you 've voted and nine of you say yes you would , what , what , would any body liked to say why they 'd like to have a gun ? , yes
29 I do n't think it should cause you any problems , but it is something that 's come on late erm as a result of maternity cover .
30 In fact , maybe I should ask you that question ?
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