Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As well as having the opportunity to learn about industry , students may enhance their career prospects and demonstrate their potential to become leaders in the application of computing to business and commercial problems .
2 Teenagers may imitate their example .
3 For example the extent to which patients like or trust the doctor and nurse may affect their willingness to cooperate in their treatment .
4 I argue that race may be a factor in the puzzle but only in so far as blacks feel their belonging to a specific race may affect their futures .
5 There , in most courses , students divide into ordinary and honours streams only at the end of the second year , although their intentions may affect their choice of first- and second-year options .
6 Platelets are studied in an artificial environment and the very process of preparing the platelet sample for study may affect their behaviour .
7 Inspectors usually have to carry out their inspections in noisy and busy surroundings , which may affect their ability to concentrate .
8 Over recent years imports and exports have been vested with great political and cultural-ideological significance , and it is very likely that increasing numbers of consumers now register the country of origin of what they are buying , and producers now register the destination of what they are producing , and this knowledge may affect their actions .
9 They can be judiciously appraised , with an open eye for trends which may affect the relation between recorded and unrecorded crime , in combination with broader consideration of historical and theoretical issues which may affect their validity .
10 This may affect their autonomy at least in terms of overall policy .
11 We know now that someone in a coma may still hear and react emotionally when they are nursed and that how they are treated and spoken to may affect their recovery .
12 Some patients may have preexisting conditions , e.g. diabetes mellitus , which , although not the reason for their current admission , may affect their care .
13 Aspects of social and physical context , and of verbal exchange , may affect their judgment .
14 Employees may regard their property in a high-priced area as a ‘ nest egg ’ for their retirement ( as they may plan to retire to a cheaper area of housing and fund their retirement with the sale proceeds ) or they may not wish to reduce their stake in the housing market .
15 Retroviral particles displaying antibodies against cell surface antigens should bind preferentially to target cells expressing those antigens , and this may facilitate their infection .
16 these may prepare their accounts in accordance with Schedule 9 ( as amended ) instead of Schedule 4 .
17 In meetings people may lower their status through :
18 Discussion of practical ways in which teachers may adapt their methodology when teaching bilingual students is done through exercises and often based on the analysis of video or audio tapes .
19 They were not legally entitled to do so as teenagers and various factors may trigger their desire to find their birth parents at this stage .
20 The stigma attached to fat means that we are low-status as lovers , thus people who are attracted to fat women may repress their desire because they risk ridicule and pity if they choose such a low-status lover .
21 Some people say certain responses in others make them see red and they are guaranteed to be upset , even though for the sake of peace they may repress their anger or hurt .
22 The members of the court may then confer , and may deliver their judgments in turn .
23 The doctors may broadcast their scripts to a drug-hungry nation like showers of autumn leaves , but they still act as an intolerable bottle-neck between manufacturers and their clients , the latter , poor sods , often not even knowing what wondrous remedies are to hand for the asking .
24 But the investment company collapsed , and now Mr Woodward and his wife owe sixty thousand pounds and may loose their house .
25 He gave the cheeky smile which always accompanied his guidance about the way other people ought to conduct their investigations .
26 Many patients with Type 2 diabetes retain some degree of endogenous insulin production , and this may explain their tendency to have more stable blood glucose levels in contrast to patients with Type I diabetes .
27 The desire of landlocked kingdoms to share in the potential of overseas trade may explain their belligerence towards coastal kingdoms in the seventh century .
28 Older people like other members of the population may consult their GP at the surgery or request a home visit .
29 So far we have reported Afro-Caribbean pupils ' perception of the attitudes held by certain teachers and how this may influence their behaviour .
30 some aspect of ‘ harmoniousness ’ between mother and child may pitch their descriptions at different levels .
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