Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] the way " in BNC.

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1 High population densities on the other hand may modify the way in which the land is used under given social relations of production , and indeed modify the relations of production themselves .
2 Differential ownership of mechanical aids , and differences in the possession of amenities , may affect the way housework is done , and they may have some influence on attitudes to work tasks , but they do not appear to affect satisfaction with work .
3 You could argue — and some do — that such puddings ought to go the way of the dodo now that we all lead more sedentary and centrally heated lives .
4 Secondly , decisions about the legality or propriety of past administrative action may influence the way administrators deal with similar cases in the future ; and the threat of publicity may contribute further to the deterrent effect of formal complaints procedures .
5 IF THE Home Unions XV are tempted — as they may be after all the disruptive absentees and injuries — to go into tonight 's Parc des Princes Bicentenary bash less than seriously , they should consider the way the French are treating it .
6 We must consider the way in which some Departments operate .
7 His task is therefore two-fold : he must identify the ways in which Marx has been misread , and provide an account of the work which will lay bare its awesome originality .
8 After all , the head boy must show the way .
9 ‘ People in government should feel the way social processes are moving early , ’ he says , ‘ and that is possible only in a metropolis .
10 That should clear the way for what may be the final round of discussions which , I hope , can reach an agreement to achieve a measure that is equivalent to a reduction in VAT , within the Community rules which permit it .
11 I think they should remember the way our Congress , at the behest of my father and my father 's lawyers , agreed from the outset to underwrite all the maintenance and security and everything to do with the physical appearance and upkeep of the National Gallery in Washington .
12 The remark has not been much noticed , but its implications must undermine the way in which ‘ practical criticism ’ is often employed in literary education .
13 Now she must remember the way that Cheta and Carlo took .
14 I 'll come to thee by moonlight , though Hell should bar the way . "
15 I 'll come to thee by moonlight , though Hell should bar the way !
16 Literary theory , he says , should not just be one more academic subject , to be taught by a ‘ theory-specialist ’ , but should inform the way in which an English Department organizes itself .
17 About 12 months ago Mr Smith decided Britain should go the way of the Irish .
18 Paul Gascoigne , one of the best strikers of the ball , must lead the way in open play and from free kicks .
19 and the a the idea of of erm the butch woman in dungarees , as being the feminist , erm and the women that burnt her bra or whatever was a feminist of the seventies , but it does n't mean to say that the ideas are n't still there , and I still want to be treated as an equal , but I do , I do n't see that I should change the way that I dress or the way that that I want to act
20 The fact that a woman , Margaret Thatcher , smashed the biggest glass ceiling of all in 1979 and that women have been storming into business and Government with ever more determination and success than before , should point the way for the hospitality industry .
21 Jalal Talabani , secretary-general of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , believes that the creation of an opposition coalition should open the way to outside help .
22 But from tomorrow the House of Commons should open the way for the first national lottery , making money for sport , the arts and charities .
23 When the whistle is blown again , the leader gives instructions such as ‘ hop ’ , ‘ walk backwards ’ , ‘ jump with two feet together ’ , ‘ run slowly ’ or ‘ walk again' until the leader eventually says ‘ Bus stop ’ when all the children must continue the way they are going until they reach the entrance to the bus when they go and sit down .
24 Any phenomenology of experience must address the way in which experience stands at the moment where internal fantasies cross the threshold of cultural categories .
25 Prof Mayer said this new understanding , the first clear evidence for the mechanism of cell death in these neuro-degenerative diseases , should pave the way for new drugs and treatments .
26 THERE was division among senior Tories last night over whether the Conservative Party should pave the way for a referendum on the constitutional future of Scotland within the United Kingdom .
27 The company believes this should pave the way for the deal to be signed and allow it to concentrate on its multi-billion dollar restructuring .
28 Management where the job is actually being done may show the way forward in other ways , though the granting of extra power to Cornish Railways was a short-lived experiment .
29 A lot of law-abiding youngsters may feel the way to get a holiday is to commit a crime .
30 Or we might compare the way Philip II kept Phokis intact in 346 rather than make a present of it to Thebes .
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