Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 It was an article of faith with this circle that women must free themselves from the erotic patronage of men .
2 He must free himself from the control of any established church and its priests and instead subordinate them to the State .
3 You should free yourself from thinking of them .
4 Lord Denning as Master of the Rolls fought long and hard to persuade his colleagues that the Court of Appeal should free itself from the fetter of being bound by its own previous decisions just as the House of Lords had done in the 1966 Practice Statement ( see below ) , and also suggested that the Court of Appeal was free to refuse to follow decisions of the House of Lords which were considered to be clearly wrong ( Carty , 1983 ) .
5 She had n't eaten the spinach , and in doing so created a martyrdom ; now she must restrain herself from the agonizing satisfaction of telling Maman all the truth , thus getting Aunt Tossie into dreadful trouble .
6 The Charter For The 1990s report leaked last week recommends that Radio 1 should distinguish itself from commercial stations by implementing new discussion and documentary programmes , and ape up-market Radio 3 with regular pop music concerts .
7 Secondly , he must extricate himself from his involvement with the deceased and search out new relationships as sources of rewarding interaction .
8 When one of the fattest hailed him when he was out shopping he decided he must disassociate himself from that crowd .
9 ‘ I 'll hang myself from the bars under the light , ’ she said , desperate to sound convincing .
10 Ludicrously over-equipped tourists might recognise themselves from this checklist :
11 There 's many a a mum you know , who 'll who 'll clothe herself from a jumble sale .
12 But overall , it was by turning to their own bodies that women artists could free themselves from surrealist stereotypes .
13 Hobbes ' solution was , order must be imposed on a recalcitrant human nature , to make society possible , Rousseau 's theory was , if only people could be liberated from the things that makes them selfish , selfish and anti-social , they would come together in a natural social contract , where individuals would spontaneously give up their freedom , in order to gain the benefits of social cooperation , and Rousseau 's view was , if only people were , were fully rational , and could free themselves from the unfortunate effects of , of er civilization , they would enter into a state of erm , perfect society in which they could er , associate er without the , the necessity of things like the state or or whatever .
14 By going even so short a distance , however , men could free themselves from the control of their lord and the custom of the manor , and it is clear that one can see a similar situation elsewhere in the country ; families were prepared to leave the land to free themselves from their lords ( 79 , p.35 ) .
15 He had the passenger door open before she could free herself from the seatbelt .
16 Erm and really the only way I thought that I could prevent myself from doing anything like that was to kill myself in a very violent way because I
17 Now , however , to his intense discomfort , Hugo found there was no way he could prevent himself from thinking about Greg Martin .
18 As soon as he could discharge himself from hospital Hoppy returned to his command , briefed to harass the Japanese as they began to fall back .
19 Lynsey was researching a project on how women could defend themselves from potential rapists and sex attackers and planning a BBC documentary on the subject .
20 Frankie wriggled free so that he could remove himself from the confrontation .
21 I wish I could stop myself from having to have everything just right , ’ Sue admits .
22 SHe could n't understand how , when he was clearly so wound up and frantic about his daughter 's development , he could stop himself from taking part in it .
23 Secondly , the wire gauze could detach itself from the lamp body , permitting the flame to escape and explode in the surrounding atmosphere .
24 One of the reasons we developed a design-led retail business , offering our own unique products , was because we saw we could distance ourselves from other retailers who were just selling manufacturers ' products and discounting them and getting into constant competitive battles .
25 I 'd be a lot happier if I could disentangle myself from What I 've already done and create songs from a completely fresh perspective . ’
26 Only a small proportion of his men were actually with him now , others coming in singly and in groups as they could disentangle themselves from the embroilment .
27 In this way the individual cells could protect themselves from danger .
28 The pamphlet explained , in simple terms , how civil servants could protect themselves from the possibility of having their actions and decisions overturned by the courts .
29 The will of King Eadred ( 946 – 55 ) left £1,600 so that his people could redeem themselves from famine or a heathen army , Cnut defeated thirty ships of pirates early in his reign , and Domesday Book says that under Edward the Confessor ( 1042 – 66 ) the hidage ( broadly , tax ) assessment of Fareham in Hampshire was reduced " on account of the Vikings , because it is on the sea " .
30 They 'd haunt the alleys behind bakeries , they 'd help themselves from uncollected deliveries , they 'd stick around on the embankment for midnight handouts from the Salvation Army and the Krishna Temple .
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