Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the truth of the problem was lameness , which may affect more than one leg .
2 But all of them are constantly watching the keyboard for their particular call up command and it is possible that one command may affect more than one accessory — with predictable , and disastrous , results !
3 Although the move to representative democracy may reduce the dimensionality , there may remain more than one dimension ( e.g. , ‘ Liberal-non-liberal ’ as well as ‘ left-right ’ ) .
4 It may arise simply because the risk of deterioration of a resource may be unequally shared among affected people , or because the fruits of personal sacrifices will be enjoyed by others , or discounted future benefits do not justify present sacrifices and are distributed unevenly .
5 These difficulties may arise especially when the program in question turns out to be more useful and successful than the parties originally envisaged .
6 Upon his decision ( or decisions , for the opportunity may arise more than once ) rests the ability of the spirit to learn that lesson and to progress to the next stage in its development .
7 Its frequency is usually fixed , though problems may arise more or less often than review cycles .
8 The idea that literary texts may trigger more than one level of reading is also central to Irene Fairley 's paper , which is a discussion of a corpus of interpretative responses to Sylvia Plath 's poem " Mushrooms " .
9 No undergraduate may stay longer than four years .
10 For example , we might find that the experiences of children in care differ according to the circumstances surrounding their entry , so that grossly abused children may stay longer and occasionally be adopted , while offenders might return to their parents after a relatively short spell in a residential establishment .
11 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
12 He may think also that it has a basic appeal to human nature , which means most others will accept it too once their minds are cleared of confusion and superstition .
13 You referred to the ex-parliamentary stars , President the budding prima donnas well I should , I would suggest that they ought to go away and look at their roots .
14 ‘ You ought to go there and ‘ ave a word with the guv'nor . ’
15 ‘ Everyone ought to go home if they 've got a home to go to .
16 Poor fellow , perhaps he ought to go home and rest .
17 ‘ In fact , perhaps we ought to wait longer than that . ’
18 As we have seen , at least one form of the established economic torts ( intimidation ) may exist even though the defendant uses unlawful means directly against the plaintiff rather than against a third party .
19 The goat may bleat loudly and persistently and may go off her food ; she may jump other goats or be jumped by them .
20 Hence , societies ' encouragement of early marriage as a step towards achievement of a large family may hinder rather than aid attainment of family size goals .
21 A hegemonal class may be more or less ingenious at furthering its political interest while maintaining its position in the power bloc ; the working class may make better or worse use of a revolutionary situation .
22 Let's jump sideways as well as forwards and backwards .
23 Finally , if the rise in real output per capita is caused by an expansion of investment goods industries and public sector expenditures on the civil service and defence , while at the same time there is a decline in consumer goods industries , then current economic welfare may fall rather than rise .
24 The figure for unauthorised absence may fall again if a satisfactory explanation 's forthcoming .
25 It is possible that the expansive forces of hydration may assist here if alteration products are present .
26 If there 's an inquest , Meredith thought , he ought to come forward and give evidence .
27 ‘ I was n't ; it was only when I was talking about it to Gina that I thought I ought to come here and tell you . ’
28 ‘ You ought to know better than to ask that .
29 The chariot itself may attack only as it charges causing D6 hits plus +1 per scythe if scythes are fitted on the model .
30 Because households may include more than one of the ‘ assessment units ’ used by the DHSS to calculate rates of benefit , RNR is based on the sum of the entitlements of each assessment unit within the household .
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