Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One : the gifts and calling of the Holy Spirit given that we may attain unity and maturity ( 4:1–16 ) .
2 Similarly , the use of ‘ we ’ to express solidarity and ‘ institutional voice ’ may invoke power and status through , amongst other things , lending oneself the strength of numbers .
3 If in future , however , reporting of each estimate is extended to include descriptive profiles of quality of life — that is , health states and the valuations placed on them for the new and comparison treatment — then this may enhance credibility and allow reworking in alternative settings .
4 It enables people to develop new skills which may enhance confidence and self esteem .
5 This is one way in which food may affect mood and drowsiness .
6 The body become vulnerable to infections and conditions that do not normally trouble those with a healthy immune system , and the person may experience fever and night sweats , for example .
7 The other reservation concerns the long-term effects of adoption , which it is thought may damage personality and identity .
8 The administrative officer working within the civil service may compare pay and conditions with similar jobs in the private sector such as a building society .
9 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
10 A few drops of lavender or marjoram oil in a small bowl of warm water by the patient 's bed may aid relaxation and promote sleep .
11 Also , these cultures are almost identical to those found naturally in the stomach ; medical evidence has suggested that they may aid digestion and also help protect against certain illnesses .
12 Let's make hay while the sun shines . ’
13 A district judge may grant leave and may also dismiss an appeal with the consent of all parties .
14 Specifically , the Commissioner may grant assistance when trade union members complain that their union has failed or is likely to fail to observe the requirements of its own rule book in relation to various defined activities .
15 Any citizen ( whether within the profession or not ) , may allege misconduct or unfitness due to illness .
16 6 Light Full right of liberty at any time after the date of this Lease to alter or to erect new structures within or adjoining the Centre ( such expression here excluding the Premises ) in such manner as the Landlord shall think fit notwithstanding the fact that the same may obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises It may be as well to include the words in parenthesis to remove any suggestion that the landlord may have the right to alter the premises .
17 For a better understanding and greater co-operation between people of different religions that we may build trust and friendship among our neighbours of other faiths to promote true peace …
18 Dishonest staff Members of staff may steal money or goods themselves , or collude ( make a deal ) with members of the public to help them steal .
19 It is logical to hypothesise that the incomplete small intestinal carbohydrate absorption , by increasing the flow rate of the luminal contents , may stimulate peristalsis and shorten the small bowel transit time .
20 These findings show that gastrin , under certain circumstances , may stimulate growth and function of the exocrine pancreas .
21 That is why the police have to secure the free passage of the highway , to assist industrial pickets to enjoy the right to communicate to workers , to protect public speakers who may arouse indignation or worse , and so on .
22 For example , an interest group may be rich but it may be ill-organised , just as a poor group may enjoy power because it is active and well-organised .
23 A parent , guardian or person caring for a child may seek advice and assistance on his behalf ( Legal Advice and Assistance ( No 2 ) Regulations 1980 ( SI No 1898 ) , reg 8(2) and reg 14(2) ( a ) ) .
24 Perhaps equally , the parent who sees himself or herself as " bad " may seek atonement or solace in becoming the " good " child — and accepting the ministrations of a substitute parent .
25 Conversely , those individuals who began life in the managerial and professional middle classes may seek power and status rather than concentrate on stress avoidance or a guaranteed supply of money from their careers .
26 The Disciplinary Tribunal may revoke recognition where there has been a breach of the Rules or other conduct requirements .
27 But Thucydides ( iv.108 ) also mentions ‘ other sources of revenue ’ from Amphipolis , which may include corn as well as money .
28 In the case of proteinuria and haematuria these may include urography or morphological studies of urinary red cells , together with renal biopsy .
29 This may include labour and power as well as chemical products and equipment with separate metering of electricity and gas supplies .
30 Sexual encounters — which may include nudity and lovemaking even when the protagonists are not married — should concentrate on highly erotic sensations …
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