Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 ' ’ This may fool it into thinking you are not afraid and therefore more powerful than it is . ’ ‘
2 And it may tempt you into a mid-morning snack of chocolate biscuits or worse .
3 You should make it into a film , and I can star , I can be the girl .
4 He should think himself into the position of the other person , whether in-house or customer , and try to anticipate his approach and reactions .
5 It was Sally 's dying wish that he should throw himself into his role as country copper Inspector Reg Wexford — and that he has done with a vengeance .
6 Having disciplined , explored and contained my own metaphysical anguish , having put down my own last worthy appetites , having separated myself by conscious decision from the filth and decadence of modern society , it is inevitable that my own hard-won sense of propriety or dignity should tempt me into being the scourge of other , more self-indulgent beings , fictional or not .
7 He thought later — ‘ When I could think , ’ he said — that it was as if the soul knew that it must surrender itself into the Lad 's hands , to do with as he wished .
8 He must introduce them into the plane of his own discourse , but in such a way that this plane is not destroyed .
9 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
10 We must bring her into the Hall . ’
11 It was indeed a sad thing that in these days when the Church had enough enemies outside it should divide itself into hostile forces , because , he added aptly , forgetting the original subject of the quotation , a house divided against itself could not stand .
12 Right the other thing Ann you you really must get given you pieces of titles you know because that should steer you into it you know the title should be be the first peg you hang your hat on , that 's the first thing .
13 So we must divide it into sections of not more than 88 squares high .
14 Peter Denny , like his father before him , intended that his son should follow him into the business .
15 The file specifications will be documented , and users wishing to load their own files must convert them into the Okapi format .
16 For if the relations between the individual and society are as close as he believes , we must take them into account ; instead of grounding explanations upon one part we must theorise about the whole to which all the parts belong .
17 The consolidation of women 's visibility and conspicuous presence in adult education means that the men with power must take us into account in ways which otherwise would not happen .
18 She must hone herself into the likeness of her beloved stiletto .
19 ‘ I do n't think people should read anything into that , ’ he said .
20 So much so , that the doctor , who was new to the district , thought that for safety 's sake , Jim should take her into the hospital at Invercargill .
21 The Law Commission takes the view , provisionally , that the solution to these uncertainties in legislation to direct that , where a court considers that a regulatory rule is ‘ reasonable ’ , it should take it into account in determining ‘ the precise content of common law and equitable obligations ’ in any particular situation .
22 It is extraordinary that the Minister should take it into his head that he knows better than people in the museums world , and impose upon them a period that nobody asked for — indeed , everybody asked for the opposite .
23 AT&T should split itself into two separate companies , one to manufacture equipment , the other to provide telephone calls .
24 What cruel irony it will be if my own uncompromising and innovatory integrity should lead me into the mantraps set by the sort of people who scarcely know one end of a pen from another .
25 We have got the right Prime Minister and he must lead us into the next election . ’
26 ‘ You may be just as tired as him but mentally you must get it into your brain that you are not going to stop until you drop and if your opponent knows that he might stop . ’
27 If any team member is at all suspect , the coach should put them into third position .
28 But whatever our idea may be we must put it into some perspective .
29 I know you are doing that , but you must put it into words .
30 Meanwhile , the Picasso Trigger needs constant water tests and monitoring , like all marine fish , and should get us into good habits again .
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