Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Parents may think the best thing to do with a nervous child is to tell him or her not to worry .
2 Well , it 's too late now , so let's make the best of it .
3 Let's make the best of it we can .
4 It is now more than a decade since the authors of the World Conservation Strategy , an influential report by WWF , IUCN and UNEP , defined conservation not in terms of cleaning pollution or saving whales but as ‘ the management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations . ’
5 In the Cleveland Report , the British Association of Social Workers is reported as stating that it is absolutely essential that those involved with the family should conduct the fullest assessment of the family background .
6 If it were to happen in a few year 's time when we have the lottery money , then I think the Sutherland Collection Collection is something that anybody concerned with heritage should make the highest possible priority .
7 At this point Fleischmann decided that as the whole thing was going ahead , then he should make the best of it and then get away for home in England immediately .
8 ‘ We must build the finest sporting coupe in the world , ’ exhorted Rolls-Royce chief executive Peter Ward some four years ago .
9 We must build the broadest possible movement of opposition to Conservative policies .
10 One thought they might ponder is to consult the supporters through programmes and fanzines about whether their teams should affect the latest Viscosuisse fabrics cut along more ample lines ( thus disguising the ample Paul Gascoigne ? ) .
11 Discussion of these various possibilities must remain the merest speculation , however , in the absence of convincing evidence demonstrating competition between associations at retrieval .
12 Rabbits do n't relish the prospect of sharing a home with rats but they are unable to move them out and must make the best of it .
13 We must make the best of it . ’
14 If you do n't , then you must make the best of living here .
15 ‘ Well , we must make the best of it , ’ said her mother .
16 To meet these aspirations we must make the best use of our human , technological , material and financial resources and this must be done within the framework of a well planned and a well managed system .
17 We must make the best of an occasion which has overtaken us but which neither of us would want , given the choice . ’
18 You must make the best of me , Papa .
19 But it was no use bemoaning her fate — she must make the best of it and hope that time would eventually heal the biggest wound she had ever experienced .
20 To-night he must make the shortest time of it he could to Strata Marcella , reassure himself that his father 's grave had not been desecrated , and warn the prior of Isambard 's malignant interest in it .
21 Some trial and error should eliminate the laziest papers , whose critics do no more than pillage catalogue introductions , or even press releases .
22 I have been told that , in some cities , if someone wants to ensure that their car is not tampered with or taken , they should buy the rustiest and least attractive car available .
23 This White Paper expresses our determination that the taxpayers ' money which the nation can afford should buy the best quality services for our citizens .
24 They should discuss the best way of monitoring loan arrangements within the company so as to put in place a control system to avoid these problems .
25 The paradoxes put forward Tolkien 's theses that determination should survive the worst that can happen , that a stout pretence is more valuable than sincere despair .
26 In later years , offered the objection that celibacy is not always possible , Lewis the radio evangelist was to be quite unambiguous : ‘ faced with an optional question in an examination paper , one considers whether one can do it or not ; faced with a compulsory question , one must do the best one can …
27 It was now clear to her that France was alone and must do the best it could by its own efforts .
28 Having said that , each and every Rottweiler who is taken out into the public 's glare is an ambassador for the breed and we must do the best we can .
29 History suggests that Hongkong Bank should expect the worst after 1997 ; it lost all but one of its 33 branches in mainland China in 1949 .
30 ‘ Certainly you can , ’ Stanley replied , obviously surprised and delighted that anyone should show the slightest interest in his wide-ranging collection .
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