Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] [det] case " in BNC.

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1 Each group , then , must sound complete if played without the others , and the part-writing must in each case be smooth and correct .
2 The adjudication officer must in all cases prepare a documentary case for submission to the tribunal in advance of the hearing .
3 The meaning of a statement seems to be roughly what the speaker should have meant by it and this must in most cases be what the speaker does mean by it .
4 The designer must in this case provide the six displacement and rotation vectors to transform the model from its drawn space , into the reference for the component within the complete machine .
5 The files must in this case be named after the individual piece parts , ie PARTA to PARTE .
6 Any quotation must in any case be extensive :
7 More important , he set about gathering the Wordsworths into the Quantock fold , hastening a visit which must in any case have been intended for the near future .
8 So that one bargain could be fairly compared with another , the cost of borrowing — the interest charged — should in all cases and by all lenders be expressed in terms of an Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ) , not solely in weekly or monthly interest .
9 The early release of prisoners serving long sentences of determinate duration was supported , although in the same way as the Longford report to the Labour Party eighteen months before , the policy group added a proviso that the Home Secretary should in all cases consult an advisory body before doing so .
10 Additional air pollution in each of these classes must not exceed specific air quality ‘ increments ’ , thereby assuring a level of air quality which should in all cases be cleaner than that required by the NAAQSs .
11 Services from social workers should in some cases have an element of protection .
12 I should in any case have answered Elizabeth 's kind little note , but a reference to Ivy at once warmed me towards her .
13 Provided the skin is peeled well out of the way any areas which the uterus might touch should in any case , be sterile .
14 It should in any case use the total-chromatic consistently .
15 In discussing the " Wagnerian " aspect of the book , we should in any case remember that during the later part of 1871 Nietzsche actually reduced the extend of Wagner 's presence in it , rather than increased it .
16 In the event that for whatever reason it has not proved possible to settle a claim either extrajudicially or by Tender well before the Proof , the defender should in any case in which he approaches Proof without wishing to contest on the merits , protect himself against the expenses thereof by Tender .
17 The simple system would be relatively easy to develop , and the equipment should in any case be obtained for other uses , such as in-house training .
18 Managers should in these cases refer the nurse to the occupational health department which may provide support and advice with consequent benefit to all concerned .
19 Meetings with the JMU and reading and discussing its report should in most cases help the firm to identify any weak areas and to develop better procedures .
20 Clauses which limit liability for a particular type of breach , by excluding any liability for pure economic loss , such as loss of profit or business , ( often loosely called consequential loss clauses ) should in most cases pass the test of reasonableness , whatever the cause of the breach , where the transaction is a non-consumer transaction .
21 As to ( c ) , Tindal C.J. thought that where C refused to deliver up the goods or to answer A's demand , ‘ a jury might be induced to presume a conversion from such silence , or at any rate the owner might in such case enter and take his property subject to the payment of any damage he might commit . ’
22 Despite its lack of amenities , he might in any case have preferred it to Peabody accommodation , with its ban upon wallpaper and its walls bare of plaster to prevent vermin .
23 Although this policy may have been viewed as a ‘ reasonable ’ intervention in the free market for private housing , there might in any case have been problems of enforcement of restrictions on resale .
24 Oil-spill experts from a number of countries flew into the area to assist with cleaning-up operations , which were largely limited to defending the intakes of desalination plants with the use of booms and " skimmer " vessels ; the slick was seen as too large for practical use of chemical dispersants , which might in any case damage marine life , and the best hope for its dispersal lay in a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and breakdown by marine bacteria .
25 One might in any case question whether any modern edition is appropriate for a book on language since one will have to approach the language through a modern editor 's eyes instead of through contemporary ones .
26 Only a marked increase in erosion rates , coupled with evidence of changes in agricultural practice and/or extent of agriculture , might in these cases provide sufficient evidence of accelerated erosion .
27 In Read v. Lyons , for instance , Lord Simonds remarked that ‘ the judgment of Blackburn J. in the case itself shows that the law of nuisance and the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher might in most cases be invoked indifferently . ’
28 With fewer resources it might in some cases have been necessary , and would certainly have been lawful , to preserve the peace by preventing individual returning miners from attempting to pass through picket lines .
29 Recurrent problems of the imposition or privilege of certain styles and tendencies , of methods of selection and of publicity , and then of both general and commercial advantage , might in some cases ( usually unsuccessfully ) be individually negotiated .
30 Ritualized obedience , and the constable 's streetwise judgement , could in any case often limit if not prevent street conflict .
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